How Did I Get Here... Part II

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Callie's POV:

I've been in New York City with Penny and Sophia for just over 9 months. We've all seemed to settle into a routine at this point. Sophia is back to school now that the Summer is long over and she seems to be doing well. I'm so thrilled she has been able to make friends with a few of the girls in her class, she especially seems close to her friend, Abby. They spend many weekends taking turns having sleepovers between our apartment and Abigail's apartment.

Penny is busy with her grant research project at NY-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital. There are more days than I can count, that keep her in the lab. Somehow, despite her schedule, mine and Soph's, we seem to be making this work. Although our schedule juggling can get quite complicated most weeks to say the least.  Nonetheless, Penny and I make a solid team when it comes to making sure my daughter is taken care of.

As for me, I was offered an Orthopedict surgeon position at NY-Pres Lower Manhattan and accepted. I had to start my tenure over again at this institution, but that's how the, "Cookie Crumbles," in academia or hospital medicine... or so they say.

I desperately wanted this new start with Penny and thought by moving with her, a fresh beginning would help both of us. 

For me, leaving Seattle was a way to find myself again. Not only emotionally and mentally, but it's given me a chance to restart a new life with a clean slate. One that is now free from all those entanglements that were in Seattle when I left.

I also knew the emotional baggage resident Penny had forced on her at Sloan Grey, as a result from the night Derek died, was more than she could bare.  While Meredith was as gracious as she could be with Penny, Amelia was quite the opposite. 

 It felt like Amelia went out of her way to make Penny's life a living Hell at Grey Sloan Memorial. I can't even re-account the number of times Penny came home sobbing because of the treatment Amelia consistently doled out to her during their shared patients.

For once during my impossibly busy weeks though, I finally had a day off.  I'm currently sitting in the apartment, eating pizza from the place around the corner and having a glass of red wine.  Unfortunately, my night off will be without Penny or Soph. Both girls have plans and I suddenly found myself unentangled from job responsibilities early this afternoon thanks to an eager Ortho Fellow.

Penny is busy working on research until late this Friday night. Sophia is spending the night at Abby's apartment, and here I sit, reflecting on not only the current ladies in my life, but the story of how I got here and where I've been. Sometimes I can't help but reflect back to the good times in Seattle.  It might be the red wine I'm drinking that's making me nostalgic, but sigh, I dunno.  It's getting harder to maintain my friendships from the Emerald City due to the distance and the time difference I currently have.

After I finished eating and got out of my head space, I decided to stream some shows and ended up falling asleep watching TV in my bedroom.  What can I say? I live an exciting life these days....

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