The Show Must Go On

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Arizona's POV:

December is always a challenging month being a doctor and planning for the holidays, simultaneously. I was having an exceptionally, busy month with my workload and trying to prep for everyone's arrivals. I was going to be exhausted, but I was looking forward to seeing Soph, my parents and Calliope.

I had already made plans with Callie. She, Sophia and Penny were flying into Seattle on December 23rd. Penny was going to leave early on the 26th, because of her lab schedule. Callie was going to stick around till the 30th. 

My parents were not able to make it for Christmas this year because of my Dad's schedule, but they were flying in on the 26th. My parents and Sophia were going to stay until January 2nd, at which point, my parents were going to escort Sophia back to NY on their way home to South Carolina.

Just thinking about the upcoming chaos was exhausting, in and of itself. Let alone, how much energy it was going to take to keep everyone entertained and happy during those days. 

Although, what gave me more concern was Callie. I had been thinking a great deal about her since Thanksgiving week. I was beginning to worry the two of us were going to have a difficult time concealing our reawakened feelings for one another.

I had already started to realize, we were slipping back into some of our old ways. Even on the days I video chatted with Sophia, Callie and I were texting back and forth, throughout the entire day. It started out initially as me showing concern and interest in Callie's decision making process. Every couple of days I'd ask how she was doing, or she would text and tell me her thoughts.

It quickly became a daily text and then snowballed from there. I think, from what I've figured out, we pretty much text each other when we are bored, need someone to talk with, or lately, we're having thoughts about the other one. The latter of those, started just this week when Callie sent me this text... "I miss your smile and those gorgeous dimples you have."

I tried to play it off by responding, "You mean those dimples on my ass that keep forming as I get older?"

Callie replied, "You know which ones I mean. The ones I used to caress, before I'd kiss your luscious lips." My heart started beating faster, after I read that message. It was exactly the same feelings I had for Callie when we first fell in love, but the butterflies were slightly different, since we had already been in love.

"Oh, those! Stupid me." I was hoping she would get the subtle hint, but clearly did not, as the next day, Callie told me, "I miss the way it feels to hold you in my arms."

I should have put a complete stop to all of it, but I didn't. In fact, I found myself waiting each day to see what Callie would write next. I was enjoying her flirtatious texting and after 3 days, started sending flirty texts to her as well. 

None of the texts we had sent were overly sexual, just leading. However, I knew if Renee or Penny ever saw any of them, we'd still be in trouble. Especially with the volume of benign texts we had started sending one another mixed in. I was pretty sure I knew more about Callie's day to day activities then Penny.

"Arizona?" There was a knock on my office door that jolted me back to reality. "Is this a bad time?" It was Meredith.

"No, come on in." 

"You looked like you were in deep thought, sorry to interrupt." Meredith had already walked in and sat down in front of my desk. "Is everything okay?" Meredith asked with a note of concern in her voice.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just have a lot on my mind with work and with Christmas coming."

"That's right, you are going to have a full house with everyone coming to visit in the next few days. I still can't believe you are going to let Callie and Penny stay with you. It seems like it would be awkward to me."

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