Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Part II

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Callie's POV:

Arizona and I were on the dance floor at Joe's bar, holding one another and not caring about the tempo of the music initially, just staring into each other's eyes. Our flirting quickly ended however, when most of the party rushed the dance floor as the next song started. Because of the infusion of everyone's intoxicated energy, we let go of one another, and started having fun, dancing with our group. 

A couple songs later, our party was invaded by some of the guy surgeons we worked with. Karev, Avery and Hunt were in the pack, among others. Before we knew it, the next hour flew by as shots were being handed out like candy. 

Pretty soon, the entire bar became one huge Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital free for all. I was pretty sure at one moment, when I looked over to the bar, I saw dollar signs on Joe's face where his eyes used to be. It had shaped up to be a fun celebration without a doubt.

It was at that point, I excused myself from the group, and headed to the ladies room. Ever since carrying Sophia, my bladder just couldn't hold the volume it used to before I was pregnant... especially with all the alcohol in my system that evening.

Once I evacuated my full bladder, I walked over to the sink, washed my hands and attempted to straighten my frizzy hair. That's when a hot blonde walked into the bathroom and said, "Torres, right? From Ortho?"

I couldn't help myself and started laughing, as I grinned from ear to ear.

"Let me guess," I said. "You are Arizona Robbins, from Peds surgery? I've seen you at the hospital." Which also made my soon-to-be wife laugh out loud. In Arizona's adorable way, she just smiled, dimples on full display, brilliant blue eyes shining and nodded.

No one else was in the bathroom, thankfully, since Arizona pinned my back up against the sink. Both of our breathing had quicken a bit, as we continued to flirt and stare lovingly at one another.

"Calliope, remember when I once told you people would be lining up for you?" I nodded this time in response.

"Know what? That's not going to happen, because I'm forever going to be the only one in that line for the rest of your life." 

Arizona leaned in and kissed me the same, sweet way she had so many years ago in this exact spot where we shared our first kiss. Given the amount of alcohol we had at this stage in the evening, the sweet kiss quickly heated up to us using our tongues and groping each other. That's when we heard footsteps of someone coming in and Arizona shoved me in a stall with her and locked the door so we could resume making out with each other.

I'm sure the woman in the other stall next to us could hear our heavy breathing and kissing noises, but I didn't care and neither did Arizona. We just kept going at it with a fevered pitch and passionate desire.

The toilet next to us was flushed and we could hear the sink running as I continued to feel up my fiancé's breasts, as she did the same to me while we intensely kissed.

"Seriously you two? You can't wait till you get home?" We heard Teddy laughing on the other side of our stall door. 

"You realize you have a bedroom and a bed at home, not to mention an entire house. Which is gorgeous, especially compared to my small apartment. Come to think of it, I actually think your treehouse is nicer than my apartment!"

We both sheepishly realized how loud we were being, straightened out our clothes, and walked out of the stall. There stood Teddy, looking amused and trying to suppress a grin she just couldn't suppress.

"I know this is, for whatever odd reason, where you two shared your first kiss, but ewww, gross! And I swear both of you have reverted back to being horny teenagers since you got back together. I'd like to be disgusted, but I am truly happy you ladies found each other again. From my standpoint, it seems like all the heartache you went through, made you stronger and closer than most couples I've known."

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