Life Comes In Waves

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Arizona's POV:

"Charley, what did the detective find?" I noticed the furrows on Callie's brow deepened as she waited with anticipation to hear what Charley had to say to her question.

"Well, Rick and his team of associates scoured the parking garage, the streets and alleys around the hospital. Thanks to Arizona's email and my quick thinking, he was able to start searching within 3 hours of when the incident occurred and found what he thinks is the knife that was used to slash the SUV tires."

"What? Where and how did he find the knife?" You could tell from the tone of my voice I was shocked and skeptical about Charley's news.

"Rick was the one that actually found it. He said it had been thrown behind a dumpster in an alleyway that was a block from the where your car was parked. As I promised you, Rick is good at what he does. He had the knife sent to a forensics lab for evaluation and has been in touch with Seattle PD and hospital security. He also contacted the tire shop to get the slashed tires before they were discarded and is having those sent to the forensics lab as well."

"Charley, this guy sounds too good to be true! Thank you for hiring Rick, it feels like we finally have someone in our corner that can hopefully solve the crime and give us some peace of mind and closure."

"Arizona, that is my hope too. Regardless if the perpetrator was Julie Miller or someone else, I wanted to help after reading your message and immediately thought of Rick. Let's hope he can solve this and fast. The evidence he's gathered so far, is a promising start."

A few minutes later, we said our goodbyes to Charley and wished her well on her vacation and spa day.

"I'm impressed Rick and his team were able to find the possible knife that was used. Let's keep hoping he can catch the person that did this so we can go back to have normal insomnia and not stalker-insomnia."

I nodded in agreement with Callie's sentiments and then said, "Agree, because regular insomnia is so much better!"

"Okay Smart Alec, very funny and you're right. No insomnia is the best insomnia." I smiled as I kissed Callie after she spoke.

"Do you think we should be concerned about going on the Babymoon in the next few weeks, Callie? Do you think whoever slashed the tires would follow us to the beach?"

"Honestly, I don't know Arizona if we should cancel the trip or, tell ourselves to quit overreacting? We could have been random targets or we could have been targeted."

"I know. Which makes this a true enigma. So, I guess my real question to you Callie is should we stay home, or take the risk and go?"

"I know there is risk involved in going if we are being stalked, but I don't want to live in fear either. You and I have been planning and looking forward to this trip for months now."

"I guess Callie we will just need to see how things go the next few days and go from there. I agree with you about not living in fear, but want us to be safe."

Realizing we weren't going to get very far with our conversation, we both slunk down from leaning on the padded headboard, to laying under the bedsheets. We were facing each other and both of us had one hand or fingertips caressing the other. I was tracing along the contours of Callie's face, while Callie was gently rubbing her hand on my lower back.

After a few minutes of adoring each other, I flipped over and Callie scooted up behind me to spoon me. As usual, it didn't take us long to fall asleep, but only an hour later, I was wide awake thanks to my normal insomnia. Trying not to wake Callie, I gently rolled out of her arms and put on my prosthetic. 

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