And Baby Makes Four Part II

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Callie's POV:

"Arizona, where is Maddy's diaper bag I brought in the room? I can't find it all of a sudden."

I was busy running around Arizona's hospital room, trying to locate the diaper bag I had just brought in from the car.

"Callie, it's on the chair, where you set it down earlier." Arizona was pointing from her standing position near the bathroom door. She had just changed into a pair of yoga pants and a long sweater and was more than ready to be discharged the next morning after Madelyn's birth.

It's one thing to work in a hospital, but it's another to be a patient. After our accidents, both Arizona and I understand how being stuck in the hospital as a patient is completely different than when we are stuck at the hospital for work. 

As an inpatient, you just want to be in your own bed and in your own space, resting and recuperating. I knew Arizona was ready to be home that morning for that same reason by the way she kept unconsciously tapping her right foot. It's a quirk she's had since I can remember but it only comes out when she's nervous or impatient with a situation.

"I also can't find your purse, Arizona..." I was a mess that morning between packing up the hospital room and the stress of bringing home Madelyn. 

"Callie, I had you take it home yesterday when you went to the house to get a few things, remember?" Arizona was right, I had taken her purse home yesterday, but in the chaos had forgotten.

I'm not sure why I cracked that morning, but I think reality had set in and I was nervous about handling the responsibilities of being a new parent again. Apparently, I had gone back to my new habit of muttering to myself in Spanish, as I searched through every drawer and cupboard in the room, three times, to make sure we didn't miss packing something.

Not obvious to me, was the fact that Arizona and Sophia had sat down in the two chairs in the room to watch me search, silently. I had no idea how long they had been watching when I heard Sophia pipe-up and say, "Mama! Mom just said a bad word in Spanish!" Sophia's statement pulled me right out of my not-so-quiet discussion I was having with myself.

"Calliope! What did you just say in Spanish?" Arizona was now staring at me with a look that commanded an immediate response from me. Her right foot had started tapping louder as she waited for me to speak.

"Girls, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was talking out loud, but the word I said wasn't that bad, I promise. It was basically the equivalent of saying, 'crap,' in English. By the way Sophia, when did you start learning Spanish swear words?" I had now started tapping my foot, as I looked over at Sophia and Arizona.

I saw the smug look Soph had for busting me, quickly disappear in that moment. She knew I had leverage on this one and had immediately backed down. I had to give Soph credit in the end, because her backstory turned out to be plausible.

"Wait a minute, your Mom's right, when did you learn swear words in Spanish?" Arizona had shifted her stare from me and over to Sophia when she realized our daughter could be a Spanish sailor with her new, colorful, vocabulary.

"We had a report for school and I heard the word on an internet video I watched while I was looking things up. When I looked up the word, it had a bunch of other words on the page too."

"Other words that you Had to look at and Had to learn?" I was trying to give our oldest some rules and age appropriate guidelines, but was having a hard time not outwardly laughing. I could tell Arizona was laughing to herself also by the looks we were exchanging. We both knew we would have done the same thing at Sophia's age, so neither one of us said much more after that.

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