It's A Nice Day For A White Wedding Part III

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Arizona's POV:

We had about 30 minutes before the wedding started, but I was already dressed and ready to go, when Sophia came running into my room. 

"Mama, my dress broke!" Sophia had huge tears in her eyes and was about ready to cry, when she threw her arms around my waist and buried her head into my stomach. I could instantly see one of her straps had become detached from her dress.

"Bug, it's okay, your Mama can fix that for you, okay?" Soph pulled away and looked up at me with her big brown eyes, the eyes that looked exactly like Callie's eyes. I wiped the single tears that had spilled over her lower lids on both sides.

"Can you help me get your dress off of you?" She complied and lifted her arms above her head, as I carefully pulled her dress over her head, making sure not to disturb her hair. My Mom walked in just at that moment.

"Girls, is everything okay in here?"

"It is Mom, Sophia has just had a wardrobe malfunction I need to fix. Can you please grab the sewing kit in the laundry room for me?"

My Mother immediately scooted out the door and was back in under a minute. "Arizona, do you want me to fix it?"

"Thank you Mom, but that's okay. I've got time and would like to think I'm pretty good when it comes to stitching things with a needle and thread." I smirked at my Mom, as she laughed and shook her head.

In no time, I had the strap reattached and reinforced. For good measure, I reinforced the fellow strap just to be safe. I could just see the other strap coming lose during the ceremony and didn't want to take that chance.

Sophia got dressed again, but her hair did take a bit of a beating in the process. I stepped into the hallway and found my Mom. "Hey Mom, any chance you could fix Soph's hair? It got messed up a bit by putting the dress back on."

"No problem ladies, consider it done. Soph, come with your grandma." 

I headed back to my room in time to find Teddy, who had just walked in and was waiting for me.

"You ready to do this, again?" For once, she wasn't being sarcastic, I could tell she was being genuine. "Because, as you know, this one will cost you some big bucks this time if you split-up and divorce." 

"Other than being nervous because I'll be on display today, and the possibility I could fall walking down the aisle, I couldn't be more sure about anyone else except Callie."

"In that case, let me be the first to congratulate you and tell you how happy I am for you, my friend." Teddy threw her arms around me while we hugged one another for quite awhile.

We let go and both of us had teared up a little. "I know all the struggles and heartache you went through after Callie left you, Arizona. I held your hand through most of it, so I just want to make sure you don't get that profoundly hurt ever again."

We both held back our tears, so our make-up didn't get ruined as I said, "I don't know how I would have survived without your friendship during that first year, especially. You are my best friend and I hope you know how much I love you. Thank you for being you."

"I feel the exact same way about you, Arizona, and hope you know how much I love you too."

We briefly hugged one more time as Teddy patted me on the back and then said, "Well, I guess it's showtime then! Let's go get you hitched, Dr. Robbins!" 

Teddy and I had our arms around each other's backs, as we made our way to a small tent the catering company was using to house some supplies and tableware. My Dad was just inside and immediately hugged me when I walked in.

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