It's a New Day, It's a New Dawn Part II

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Callie's POV:

After surviving Christmas and Penny's unexpected visit, I had formulated a plan to get my stuff out of NYC, and back to Seattle. I didn't have a ton of stuff, but enough to make it challenging. 

I had scheduled an appointment for a potential buyer to look at and test drive my car, a few days after I had planned to return to NY. I had also hired a moving company to pack everything up and drive my belongings back to the West Coast. But, I needed to be at the apartment to supervise the packing and pack some personal effects myself.

I didn't want to make a big deal about my departure from the hospital and had planned on moving my things out of my office later at night. 

The Chief was disappointed I was leaving, but said he understood given my circumstances with Penny and that Sophia's other mother was in Seattle. He was also fine with me mailing back my ID badge, so I didn't need to directly give it to him. 

I was hoping to avoid Penny that night, but odds are, she'd probably be too busy with the Ortho resident that evening, to even know I was in my office that night.

Penny had texted me that day, to tell me that she had gotten her things out of the apartment and left the key to the door in my office. 'At least that's one less headache to deal with while I'm there,' I was thinking, as I let out a huge sigh.

"Everything okay, Callie?" Arizona had walked into the kitchen, while I was reading the text from Penny.

"Yep, just the usual. Penny just texted to tell me she's completely moved out all of her stuff. It's at least one less thing to deal with, after I fly back..." 

"That's good to hear, then. She would only drag you down further at this point and you need to stay positive and focused with the short amount of time you have in NY."

"I know you're right about the positive part, but being so focused has stressed me out this last week. I just can't wait to be done and officially back here." After speaking, I buried my face into my hands, that were raised, as they were being supported by my elbows that were leaning on the kitchen table.

"Where are the girls and your parents, by the way? It got quiet in here a few moments ago." I was trying to talk, but it just came out a muffled string of words, since I hadn't moved my face from my hands.

I was sitting on the long, plank bench on one side of the kitchen table, when Arizona walked up behind me and pressed her body into my backside. She started to massage my shoulders and upper back while beginning to talk.

"You'll get everything figured out Callie, so don't stress. Soon enough you will be back here, where you belong." 

It felt incredibly amazing to have Arizona caressing me the way she was, as she spoke. I could feel some of my stress start to dissipate. The more she rubbed me though, the more the goosebumps started erupting all over my body.

"They took the scooter and went to the playground that's a couple blocks away. They promised to be home by 4 pm, so that we could get dinner. I was thinking we could order in or get to go food from somewhere. Any thoughts?"

"I'm fine with anything food-wise, you know me, I'm not picky." 

"Arizona this feels so good, please don't stop." I think I was quietly moaning, without even knowing it, as Arizona continued to use her hands to kneed me into a sense of relaxation.

I picked up my face out of my hands and leaned my head backwards into Arizona's breasts, at that moment. It wasn't an intentional move, but it's where my head ended up landing. Can't say I was disappointed where my head happened to end up though...

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum