Sleepless in Seattle

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Arizona's POV:

The day after the cafeteria stare-down, I was sitting in my office, closing out a handful of charts, answering emails and completing other admin stuff. The joys of being the chief of my department...

Even though I acted as if I didn't care in front of Callie and Renee, I wasn't thrilled to be called a throuple. It's not because of the gossip, but it highlighted the emotions I had for both Renee and Callie, that only I knew about. I felt like the more people talked about it, the more it would make them question the true nature of my feelings towards both women. So, I chose to ignore it and hoped it would eventually, just blow over.

"Well howdy there, Stranger." Teddy had walked into my office and sat down in front of my desk.

"Hey, Teddy! How are you? Things have been so busy between work and my personal life, I haven't had a chance to catch-up with you this week, I'm sorry."

"I'm okay, same old, same old. And it would appear, your personal life is very busy, from everything I've been hearing." Teddy smirked, but I could tell she knew that the gossip wasn't true.

"Very funny Teddy, very funny. And yes, sleeping with 2 women every night has been wearing me out. You got me." I gave Teddy my best annoyed, look.

"Oh Arizona, you know I'm giving you a hard time. I know the gossip isn't true and I'm guessing you're not thrilled with the situation either."

"Teddy, not being thrilled is an understatement about how it feels to have folks spread lies about you. I'm trying to ignore it, but that's challenging when you can hear people talking smack about you, especially when you are standing 2 feet from them."

"I can only imagine, Arizona."

"I do have one question for you, however, did you take out more homeowners insurance over your Christmas vacation?"

"No, why do you ask, Teddy?"

"Because, even though I know you aren't doing anything with both women at the same time, you must like playing with fire. That's why I asked about upping your insurance." 

"Arizona, this is me, your closest friend. Did you think I would forget how you feel about Callie? Before the divorce, after the divorce and when she started dating Penny? I'm the shoulder you cried and leaned on, so I highly doubt you only have plutonic feelings for Callie at this point."

"Clever wording Teddy and no, nothing is really going on with Callie and I."

"What do you mean by, 'Nothing is really going on...'?" Teddy's eyebrows raised, as she asked me that question.

"It's just that... Teddy, will you shut my office door, please?"

Teddy popped up from her chair and closed the door. I had started heading to the couch in my office and gestured to Teddy to join me. We sat on opposite ends, but we're facing one another.

"If I share this with you, please promise me it stays with you?" I was searching Teddy's face and eyes to gauge her response.

"Of course, Arizona. Consider me tougher to crack than Fort Knox."

"Okay, truth be told, Callie's return to Seattle has stirred up a whole host of feelings between the two of us. I'm not sure why, but when we're alone, neither one of us seems to have any self control around the other one."

"Arizona Robbins! Tell me you did not cheat on your wonderful girlfriend?! I will be furious with you, if you do anything to hurt Renee. She's become one of my close friends, since we met one another. In fact, I saw her this morning, when she completed my yearly eye exam."

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