Tomorrow Is Another Day

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Arizona's POV:

As I quickly walked out of the hospital conference hall, where the poster presentation was being held, I first swung by my office. I wanted to pick-up my purse and briefcase before leaving that night and also wasn't ready to deal with or face Callie, at least at that point. I knew the sooner I grabbed everything, the better my odds of not seeing her.

I gathered everything up, and ventured to a remote spot in the hospital few people knew about, but I somehow found during my Peds fellowship. It's an area near the atrium that has a stunning view of downtown Seattle, but this particular space is very hidden, since it has no windows even though it is adjacent to the atrium. 

As I was deciding what to do that night, I just plopped down on the bench in that small, obscure alcove and started re-accounting the events that had just transpired with Callie and Penny.

Inside this odd, little, space, was a small bench that sat across the hidden hallway to a janitorial supply closet. I think they had originally intended to make this an office, but in the end, needed the storage space more.

As I sat there, pondering my thoughts for the next 15 minutes, I started trying to figure out what I should do next. When I was deep in my mental thought process, Teddy approached me and sat down next to me on the bench.

"Wanna talk, Arizona? Christina told me what she just witnessed during the poster presentation and about your encounter with Penny. Christina said there was quite the show between Penny, Callie and you. I figured you might be here hiding out here since you showed me this spot when Henry died and I needed moments alone to cry."

I shook my head, Yes, but ended up saying, "No," at the same time.

I sighed, as Teddy wrapped her arm around my upper shoulders and pulled me closer to her. In that process, my tears started lightly falling down my cheeks.

"Teddy, how could Callie do this to me? I feel like such a fool for believing her when we got back together. I feel like someone has taken a dagger, stabbed it into my heart and turned it around as often as they could, until my heart finally stopped beating."

With that, I started sobbing as I leaned my face into Teddy's right shoulder and she held me tighter. 

"Arizona, did you give Callie a chance to talk to you before you left the the conference hall? Clearly, Penny has her own agenda on her forefront and may not be telling the exact or the whole truth. In all fairness, you should give Callie a chance to explain whatever she needs to, no matter what that may be." 

I knew Teddy was right, but just thinking about the possibility that Callie had cheated on me, even though it was a number of years ago, still crushed me.

"No, I didn't. I just wanted out of the Hall and away from all the people we work with. Callie with her rage/anger and Penny with her salacious stories about Callie cheating on me was more than I could take, especially while also being on display for everyone. Plus, I was so close to crying, that I decided to just get out of there before we made a bigger scene than we already had."

"I understand, but I think you should talk to Callie sooner than later. You both have been so happy since getting back together, I don't want to see that end for either one of you. Especially if it turns out there was no truth to what was said. However, there's only one way to find out what really happened." Teddy gave me a sideways hug, as I let out a deep sigh.

"I know you're right, Teddy, I'm just afraid to find out if Callie really did cheat on me, even back then. I don't want to pop the pink bubble we've been living in during this last year, but realized before you sat down, I don't have any other choice in order for us to move forward. I know we were different people a few years ago, but it still hurts to think we don't have the complete honesty I thought we had, especially now." 

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