There's No Winners and There's No Losers

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Arizona's POV:

I had just got Madelyn to sleep in her bassinet that was now moved back into my bedroom. About 5 minutes later, a wet headed Sophia appeared in my doorway, smelling exactly like the soap she uses in her shower.

Whispering while she spoke she said, "Is Maddy asleep? Where's Mom?"

"Maddy's asleep. I just fed and changed her, so hopefully she'll sleep for the next several hours." I was whispering my response back to Soph. As a family, the three of us had become accustomed to keeping our voice volume low since Maddy's arrival.

"And, your Mom had some work to do and is in the treehouse so she wouldn't get interrupted. Did you already lay out your clothes and pack your backpack for school tomorrow?"

"I did both already. Can I play on my tablet in here if I leave the sound off?"

"Sure Bug, come on in." I patted the end of the bed from where I was standing, as Soph dove in, tablet in hand.

I had just finished folding a load of laundry and was putting away mine and Callie's garments that were mixed together in the load. When I stopped and thought about it from time to time, I always thought that washing our clothes together was a sign of comfortable intimacy that few people think about. I still get excited to rip Callie's underwear off of her, but I'm also happy to wash, fold and put them away for a later use.

"Did you talk to Mom yet?"

"Sophia, your Mom and I are fine, so please stop worrying, okay? We've just been busy with lots of things, but I promise you we're okay. Alright?" I was trying to convey with my facial expression that she didn't need to worry about her parents, but Soph somehow knew better.

"Since Maddy is asleep, I can watch her. If she wakes up, I can let you know." Sophia was pointing at the portable baby monitor handset that was next to the base of the system on the dresser in my room.

As I quickly thought about her proposal, it made scary sense. I knew how tired I was from not sleeping well last night and figured Callie probably had the same experience. I realized we both had a small window of time left that night before we each crashed. I was also bound and determined to find some resolution with my wife before starting another day with where we left off the night before.

"Soph, I just finished putting away the laundry and will take you up on watching your sister." I had already started putting on a sweatshirt over my t-shirt and slipping on a pair of canvas shoes. 

"Promise me that you will let me know if Maddy wakes up, okay?" I grabbed the portable baby monitor and held up my cell phone for her to see I had both.

"I will Mama, but we'll be fine. I've watched Maddy before." 

I kissed Sophia's forehead before heading out of the bedroom door and down the hall. I put on my coat by the backdoor and proceeded to the treehouse. Before opening the door, I looked in to see Callie sitting on the couch. She was deep in thought, as she stared intently at her laptop screen that was on her lap.

I gently knocked on the door, so I didn't surprise Callie or frighten her by just walking in. She looked up and saw me standing in front of the mostly glass-paned door before she motioned me in.

"Is this a bad time to interrupt your work, Callie?" I had closed the door, but was standing just behind it. I was hesitant to enter and was trying to gage Callie's mood before barging my way in.

"No, you're fine. I'm not getting a whole lot accomplished anyway." Callie deeply sighed, as she appeared to be saving a file she was working on and set her laptop on the coffee table.

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