Holidaze Part II

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Callie's POV:

Clearly, I had adapted to West Coast time, as it was difficult for me to wake up the next morning (Sunday) to catch my early, morning flight with Sophia.

Arizona had already purchased my ticket and made arrangements to have Sophia's and her parent's flights rebooked. Arizona's folks now had a more direct flight, with a short stop in Atlanta. Sophia and I were now flying together on a direct flight to NY from Seattle.

I was starting to get butterflies in my stomach that morning about facing Penny since our argument, almost a week ago. I still wasn't sure what I was going to say when I finally talked to Penny. I'm someone that likes to prepare ahead of time, so I knew why I was nervous about my upcoming conversation with her. Well that and...

Part of my brain was also starting to reflect more intensely on the spark and the connection I had shared with Arizona this last week. I was starting to feel like it would be a betrayal to Arizona if I remained with Penny, in NY and it pained my heart to think about hurting Arizona more than I already had. 

As I laid in bed contemplating my relationships, my career decisions and being too lazy to get up, I heard a knock on my door. 

"Calliope?" It was Arizona.

"Come in," I said as I quickly diverted and derailed my thoughts about everything that was troubling me at that given moment.

"Hey, sorry to bother you," Arizona had opened the door to my room and poked her head in. 

"You're fine, it's okay to come in, I'm just having a hard time getting up." In my half-awake, half-asleep mode I've become accustomed to as a surgeon, I patted at the spare side of the bed I was laying in.

Much to my surprise, Arizona came in, closed the door, and sat upright on the free side of the bed. 

"You okay?" She asked me while pushing the loose hair from my ponytail aside, and out of my face.

"I suppose. Just laying here thinking about going back." I said.

"I figured as much and wanted to check on you." I could see Arizona's smile, even in the midst of the dim, Fall light, that early morning.

I'm always docile when I first wake and I think it was Arizona's loving demeanor that made me, unconsciously, roll over and snuggle into her stomach and chest. Much to my surprise, Arizona wrapped both her arms around me and pulled me in tighter while she kissed my forehead.

"You know what, Calliope? I'm going to obviously miss Soph, but after this week, I'm really going to miss you too."

"I know what you mean." I said, as Arizona continued to soothingly, stroke my pulled back hair and the top of my head, ever so gently. I could have easily fallen back asleep on her chest if the situation was different and we were still together.

"I want you to know that..." Arizona's words got cut short, when the door to the bedroom got forced open with an extra energized Sophia. I rolled off Arizona in microseconds, as Soph came diving onto the bed. Our daughter snuggled between the two of us and remarked, rather loudly, "Mom and Mama, why can't we all just live together, all the time?"

"Sophia," Arizona started speaking matter of factually... "Sometimes parents don't get along the same way, but we still love you more than you will ever know! Even though we don't all live together, that doesn't mean we aren't your mothers, always remember that, Lovebug."

"I agree with what your Mama just said, Sophia. Are you packed and ready for our flight back to New York, Lovebug?" I quickly pushed my nose into my daughter's nose.

"I just want all of us to stay here," Sophia announced to us rather boldly and with an air of sadness in her voice.

"Sophia, your Mom is right about what you need to do this morning. Please know we both love you no matter where we are. Also, you will see me and Renee very soon for Christmas."

Arizona rolled over to hug Sophia at the same time I did. In the end, the three of us ended up holding each other for what was probably a long time, but it didn't feel like long enough to me.

The alarm on my cell phone started going off, which meant I had 30 minutes to get out the door, on I-5 and headed to the SeaTac Airport. The alert tone startled all 3 of us out of our embrace and back to reality. 

I snapped out of my happy coma and started quickly packing my few things I still had lying about, while Arizona got Sophia dressed and packed. Renee had already put out muffins and croissants with to go coffee and juice for Sophia. 

Arizona had managed to get both sets of our flights (her parents and mine/Sophia's) booked at roughly the same departure times. So, we all grabbed some food from the kitchen counter, our beverages and piled into Arizona's SUV. I was sad to walk out of Arizona's house 30 minutes later, but tried not to think about it as we loaded up the car in a decent downpour for Seattle.

Thanks to the rain and usual traffic, it took us a while to get to the airport, but we had already planned on that and arrived on schedule. I gave Arizona's parents a hug and kiss, as did everyone else, before they headed to their gate. Sophia and I had another hour before we needed to go through security.

"What do you guys want to do?," asked Renee. "There's some restaurants and shops in front of the security area you need to go through. Want to sit and eat or shop?"

"Eat," Arizona and I said the word in almost perfect unison.

"Works for me then!" Renee started walking towards our terminal and into a restaurant that served standard American food. Sophia got a hot chocolate, while the rest of us had coffee and food. The hour went rather quickly and I realized it was time for Sophia and I to get to our gate.

Just before security, the 4 of us started saying our goodbyes one by one. The hardest goodbye for me was Arizona. I think in that moment we embraced each other, I knew in my heart of hearts what I needed to do. Arizona and I both had a hard time letting go of each other's bodies. I'm pretty sure Renee must have noticed the emotions flying between myself and her girlfriend by the look she was giving us.

As we walked towards the TSA, we both looked back and waved. I saw Renee put her right arm around Arizona's waist and kiss her cheek. Yet again, the green eyed monster that lives inside me reared it's ugly head as I felt pangs of jealousy and anger towards Renee for touching my ex-wife. 

I guess I should head back to my counselor soon to talk this situation over, I started thinking...

We boarded our plane and our flight went smoothly. We took a cab back to the apartment, only to discover Penny wasn't there. 'Of all nights to be in the lab I started thinking. She knew I was coming home tonight, sigh.' 

Although, I was so tired by that point in the day, Penny was probably better off by staying away. 

I got Sophia unpacked, bathed and into bed before I did the same thing. I was so exhausted, I fell asleep watching TV around 9 pm. I was awoken though around 1 am when I heard Penny come in the bedroom, turn off the TV and crawl into bed.

"Calliope, are you awake? Can we talk?" I could feel Penny's nervousness roll off of her as she asked to speak with me. 

Just what I didn't want to do at this ungodly hour of the morning...

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