Island Life

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Arizona's POV:

Why is it when you have vacation time coming, the workdays leading up to your off time are always the longest? I think the only thing that kept me going that week, were the thoughts I was having about Callie and I, and how we'd be spending our time together during the upcoming weekend.

Of course the rumors that week were everywhere I went. Didn't matter if I was in the OR, the ER or the NICU, I could hear muffled voices, hear gasps of shock and condemnation, and was getting a plethora of sideways, judging looks. 

It even went so far, that a mother of patient, that wasn't even my patient, called me a cheating, dirty, slut, as I was rounding with residents. The general consensus seemed to be that Callie and I were cheating whores with no morals. It was all I could do to ignore the hatefulness and lies that were being spread about Callie and I, at work.

As such, I decided to take a different tactic than I normally would have, and threw myself in to planning our vacay weekend. It kept me and my mind occupied to find a house to rent the day Teddy asked me if she could watch Soph and help Renee move over the weekend. 

I had also started planning little moments, like food items we may want to take and of course, wines and bubbles to bring. I was trying to keep it low key, but just wanted to have all my bases covered. We had both been waiting for this moment and the control freak in me, just wanted it to be perfect.

Callie and I packed our clothes and non-perishable things up in my SUV, the night before. We were both only working till noon on Friday and planned to head home, briefly, to grab the refrigerated items and hit the road. 

Callie spent our nights during the week leading up to our vacation, attempting to pump me for information about where we were going. How quickly she had forgotten I'm a tough nut to crack, especially when it comes to keeping a secret. I think she remembered that fact during the week, as she increasingly became frustrated when she couldn't get me to divulge where I was taking her.

By that Friday, Callie and I were acting like giddy school girls and I'm pretty sure some our friends probably had noticed. 

As we were heading to the parking garage to leave, we ended up coincidentally sharing a elevator car with Teddy, who was standing behind us as we slipped in from our office floor. Callie and I could hear Teddy quietly laughing and turned around to see her smirking a few seconds later.

"Is she having a seizure or a CVA, Arizona?" Callie had arched one eyebrow as she asked.

"I think both, Callie. Either that, or she's completely gone mental, which shouldn't worry us in the least as she is watching our daughter this weekend and staying in our house."

"Very funny you two, very funny. Now I'm encouraged to feed Soph as much junk food as I can!"

"I was laughing because it just hit me, standing here, that I know what you two are going to be up to all weekend. I was laughing because I was wondering how much of your weekend will actually be spent with both of you being upright."

"I want to also congratulate you both on finding each other again, I'm truly happy for you guys. You two have always shared a love that I often envied and hope you never lose that again."

"I know this one," Teddy shook my shoulders from behind my position in the elevator a couple times, "never stopped loving you Callie and it's obvious Callie, you never stopped loving her either."

"And, please don't worry about Sophia this weekend, she'll be well taken care of. I will be picking her up after school today and Renee, Sophia and I are going to go out for dinner tonight."

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