Mrs. & Mrs. Part III

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Arizona's POV:

Our dinner from the restaurant downstairs at the Four Seasons, the "Goldfinch Tavern," was beyond impressive that evening. While someone may think the name implies it is a bar or a pub, it couldn't be anything more opposite, as it is well regarded for it's upscale NW cuisine.

When I used the bathroom while Callie called in our order, she took the opportunity to speak freely with the front desk and restaurant and made arrangements to create some romantic ambience for our dinner. When I walked back into the dining area, I was greeted by battery-powered candles, champagne and white wine, as well as a dozen oysters on the half-shell that Callie had just removed the cloche from. Soft music was playing behind us, as Callie stood-up and took me in her arms.

"Callie, this looks incredible! What did you do? Or should I say, how much more is this going to cost your Father?" We both giggled at the staggering thought of how much our hotel bill was going to be in the next two days.

"I asked for a few things we didn't discuss before I placed our order, I hope that's okay with you." I just smirked at Callie and kissed her deeply, before she pulled out my chair for me, and then sat down too.

We were seated on a corner of the table, my chair had a direct, forward view of the water, while Callie took the side angle view, right next to me, at the head of the table. The sun had just started changing colors, but hadn't quite begun to make it's descent into the bay just yet. Either way, the multi-colored yellow, red and orange lighting that was reflecting and shimmering off the water, made the entire bay and it's surroundings, look like they were glowing.

As we cheered one another with our champagne flutes, Callie said, "I have everything arranged on the hall server next to us and as soon as we are done with the oysters, I'll be your server this evening, Dr. Robbins." I started smiling and laughing, as I leaned in and kissed her. When Callie commits to acting out a part, there's no stopping her. I think that's why she's so wonderful at reading to our daughter.

We got through the oysters pretty quickly and of course had to do the cliche thing and feed each other one of them. I know some people have an aversion to these little mollusks, and it does pose a health risk to consume raw seafood, but these bi-valves, are quite tasty. The ones we had that evening had been harvested the same day on the tip of the Southern, Washington peninsula from a very small town called, Oysterville.

Our next course, was a salad that was made with fresh vegetables purchased at Pike's Market that day and was served with a vinaigrette made with locally sourced ingredients. So far, this evening was off to an amazing start as we started making dinner conversation.

"Sweetheart, what do you think is left of our backyard now that the tents have come down and the damage has been done between all the foot traffic from the wedding?" Callie gave me her inquisitive, but concerned look as she spoke.

"Callie, I'm pretty sure it's completely destroyed, but at least we should still have a few months for it to regenerate before we start having the hottest days of the Summer. I have a feeling we should have someone come out and amend it nonetheless."

"Oh, your Dad already told me at our wedding reception that he will be fixing the backyard after the clean-up. He said he needed a project and something to keep him busy, now that he is retired. Personally speaking, I won't have any issues becoming a, bump on a log, when I retire!"

"I feel the same way, but there is something about our Father's generation, that makes them never want to stop and keep working. When we are done working and after we retire, I expect to do as little busy work as possible and just spend time cuddling with you, my love."

We were definitely in honeymoon mode and after I spoke that last sentence, Callie leaned in and passionately kissed me.

"Ready for your next course, Dr. Robbins?" I smiled and nodded as Callie cleared our plates and grabbed our entrees. I had ordered the fresh halibut, while Calliope ordered the bone-in pork chop. Both dishes were amazing and we ended up sharing our plates of food with one another to taste.

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