Something Wicked This Way Comes... Part II

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Callie's POV:

"Callie and Arizona, do you guys have a second?" Meredith was the last one left in Callie's office after the meeting we had just wrapped up regarding Erica Hahn's return.

"Of course, what's up, Mer?" Arizona was holding Maddy as she spoke, rocking her back and forth ever so gently as Madelyn slept in her arms, nuzzled into Arizona's chest. The kid was smart, I can say with first-hand knowledge that being snuggled into Arizona's chest, is a wonderful place to be.

"Zola and I were talking about Sophia's birthday slumber party last night, and I wanted to offer you ladies some help with the party on Saturday night. I have the evening off already since Amelia offered to take the kids out for dinner and a movie, and lord knows I won't be going out on date that night, or any night soon."

"Seriously Meredith, you'd give up a Saturday night alone at your own house to help us? Are you sure, because that's not an offer either of us would say No to with Maddy's rigorous schedule these days." 

I know my face had a mix of excitement and uncertainty as I spoke. I just couldn't believe my ears that Meredith would offer to help Arizona and I by giving up a quiet Saturday night to herself.

"Meredith, I'm with Callie on your beyond generous offer... you're really sure you want to give up a night of peace and solitude to spend time with 4, potentially screaming girls?"

I couldn't help myself and interjected into Arizona's conversation, "Arizona, don't you mean 7 potentially screaming girls? You forgot to include us and Madelyn." 

Meredith let out a laugh and a few seconds later, Arizona did too when she caught on to what I meant.

"At this point in my life ladies, I just enjoy spending time with the people I love. I actually think my house feels lonely when it is too quiet. It's been forever since us girls have spent time together, so I thought it would be fun for me to lend a hand and hangout with you both. With Maddy here now, that's a lot you're taking on with a slumber party too."

"Meredith, you are a Godsend! We were wondering how in the heck we were going to survive this Saturday, but were going to die trying! I was going to take the responsibility of overseeing the party and sleeping with the girls in the treehouse. That way, Arizona could focus her energy on Madelyn. With your help though, we might actually come out of this unscathed." 

Both Arizona and I were beaming after hearing Meredith's great news and rushed to give her a big hug from both of us.

"Meredith, you are a Lifesaver! Thank you for offering your help and I'm looking forward to spending time with you on Saturday. It has been forever and even though we'll be busy with the girls, it will be wonderful to have you around." Arizona looked relieved as she spoke.

We had both been trying to figure out the logistics of the party for a few days now. It was going to be chaos, but originally I was going to oversee the party in the treehouse, while Arizona watched Maddy. There would be moments we were going to overlap, but now with Meredith's help, we could breathe much easier and actually enjoy ourselves... Well, as much as someone can that's watching 4 nine/ten year old girls and a newborn.

"Well ladies, I'm off. I've got a date with a gall bladder in OR 4 here in about an hour and should go. Oh, and don't forget to let me know what I can pick-up or bring for Saturday. Zola and I will arrive early to help with setting things up, okay?"

"Sounds perfect Meredith, and thank you again." I patted her on the back, as she walked out of my office door and headed back to her office.

"Well, that was a stroke of incredible luck, Callie. I still can't believe Meredith is willing to sacrifice her Saturday night to help us out. I'm not sure I'd do the same if our situations were reversed." 

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