Sunday Fun Day Part II

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Callie's POV:

As we slept together during our Sunday mid-morning naps, it had started lightly raining and storm clouds had started rolling in. Because the storm was beginning to amp up, the skies had turned a deep, purple/grey amalgamation of color, making the interior of the house look much darker than it was when we initially had fallen asleep.

As the storm clouds started dumping buckets of rain, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and illuminated our bedroom, followed seconds later, by a loud clap of thunder that shook the windows and the house. The combination of the rain, light and sound, woke both of us instantly.

"When did the rain apocalypse start, Arizona? Good grief, it's rare that we get thunderstorms in Seattle, that usually only happens on the eastern half of the state. Hopefully your parents and Soph made it to the beach by now."

"Even if they stopped for a couple bathroom breaks Callie, they should be there by now. I'm glad I had them take the SUV though, makes me feel better to know they have a vehicle with a heavier frame as compared to your sedan." Arizona started speaking as she was still trying to fully wake up.

Arizona stopped spooning me to roll over and grabbed her phone off her bedside cabinet. Another bolt of lightning arced through the dark clouds, followed seconds later, by a huge clap of thunder that once again, shook the house down to it's foundation. 

"They made it about a half hour ago and are having lunch right now." Arizona quickly texted back a message to her Mom and put her cell back on it's charger.

"That's good they aren't driving on I-5 while this storm passes through." I said, as I leaned over and started passionately kissing Arizona. 

"Callie, are you hungry? I'm starving after all our activities this morning. I am going to pack our, "picnic," and grab something to drink. Any chance you would want to make a fire and a place on the floor for us to eat and keep each other warm?"

"Sounds like a plan, Dr. Robbins, I'll go make a cozy place for us to sit by the fire and eat, while you get the food ready. How about we have some champagne?"

"Consider it done, Callie. I will bring the food and champagne out and join you shortly." 

Still being naked, we both threw on our fluffy white robes and headed to opposite directions in the house. I had been looking forward to the picnic since Arizona mentioned it last night. It sounded like a cute way to spend a quiet, now noisy thanks to the thunderstorm, afternoon with my girlfriend.

After struggling to get the fire to light, I finally got the flames to consume the kindling and then the split pieces of Douglas Fir I had brought in from the garage. The fireplace was starting to emit sounds of pops and crackles, as the flames devoured the dry wood and effectively started heating the room.

Arizona joined me a few minutes after I finished getting the blankets and lots of pillows set up on the floor. I had positioned us just a few inches from the edge of the hearth. Our "love nest" in front of the fire looked like a large, multi-colored cloud of cotton and fleece. I had plopped myself in the middle of the blankets and pillows, and had turned some romantic music on just before Arizona walked into the room.

She was carrying a blue and white gingham lined, wicker picnic basket I hadn't seen before and set it down near me. She ran back to the kitchen and grabbed our flutes of champagne and carried them out for us. After she sat down, I let her open the double lidded basket and watched her pull out various meats, cheeses, fruit and a few other snack food items. She grabbed one of the chocolate dipped strawberries and held it up for me to take a bite.

My mouth was still full as I spoke, "Arizona, this looks incredible, thank you sweetheart, I love it."

"Whew, that's good to hear!" Arizona gave me her normal smirk I have become accustomed to again the last few months of us dating. "I was going to cry myself to sleep tonight if you didn't like the picnic." Arizona started laughing and smiling at her own humor until I pinned her down on her back.

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