Relationships Usually Begin Unexpectedly Part II

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Callie's POV:

By the time I left the OR/Recovery for the 3 am MVA patient, it was around 2 pm in the afternoon. After being up for close to 12 hours, I was completely fried. For a split-second I debated falling asleep in an on-call room for 30 minutes, but remembered how much more comfortable my bed is and proceeded to quickly change, go to the daycare and head home. I was only covering for another doc this morning and was thrilled to have the next few days off to recoup after my day.

Since I was done, I had already texted Penny I would grab Sophia from daycare, it was a Saturday. Thankfully Sophia had only been in there for a couple of hours. Penny had dropped her off on the way into her lab. Even though it was a Saturday, Penny always had results to check almost every evening and wasn't going to be home tonight.

As I quickly tried to flee the surgical floor, I was greeted by Sarah. She was waiting on an elevator to a lower floor, as well.

"Thanks so much Dr. Torres for the opportunity to work with you today, I learned so much!"

"I'm here to teach residents and am happy you got something out of the experience. Hope it helps with your boards, when the time comes." I smiled and yawned at the same time.

Just then, the elevator arrived on the 2nd floor. As I exited, Sarah stopped the doors.

"Any chance you'd wanna grab a drink tonight and celebrate the success you had in the OR today?" Asked the eager, young, resident.

"Maybe another time, I'm off to go get my daughter from daycare and head home. You should be proud of the work you did today. Hope you get some downtime tonight to celebrate." I smiled at Sarah, as I turned and walked towards the daycare.

As I reached the daycare, I was promptly greeted by the squeals of my happy daughter. 

"Mommy! I've missed you!" Soph threw her arms around my neck as I picked her up and held her tight up against my right side, just above my right hip.

"Can we go home?" Sophia asked.

"Yes, my Lovebug. Let me grab your things and we'll be on our way!" I said as I kissed her cheeks and forehead. 

I grabbed Soph's backpack while she clung to me. We both said goodbye and thank you to the daycare staff, as we headed towards the elevators.

"Can we have mac and cheese tonight?" My daughter excitedly asked as we got in the elevator to the parking lot level.

"Of course you can! I think your Mom would be just fine with pasta this evening." I smiled and winked at the same time. We had reached the car and I was helping Sophia get in her seat.

"But you are my Mom!" She was giggling as she replied.

"Guess that means I'm getting pasta then tonight, huh?!" I said as I started tickling her arms and sides. 

Sophia started laughing and said, "We should get home soon then, Mom!" 

I laughed as I got into the driver's seat and said, "I will do the best I can! Love you baby girl!"

"I love you too Mommy!!"

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