Fighting The Good Fight

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Arizona's POV:

The sound of the garage door being slammed, echoed throughout what felt like the entire house and hung heavily in the air as it did so. Within a second of the door's reverberations bouncing off the walls, windows and moldings, I felt my heart break into pieces as Maddy started crying from the noise. Still, as I always do, I put on my, "Brave," face in front of Renee.

"Arizona...I am so unbelievably sorry to have caused all this trouble for you and Callie. I never meant..."

I immediately started waving my hands in a dismissive fashion to signal to Renee that it wasn't her fault as I spoke.

"Renee, it's not your fault, so don't even think that or say it." I had picked-up Madelyn immediately after she started wailing and was rocking her back and forth to try and soothe her back to sleep as I spoke.

"This is between Callie and I, nobody else, okay? Callie just needs to cool off and when she does, we'll talk. I am sorry that you got put in the middle of us."

"Arizona, I've seen Callie get upset, but I've never seen her get that upset. I shouldn't have said anything about Michelle and feel like I need to apologize to both of you."

"Renee, Callie will be fine, but I would give her some space for a while. I know Callie and once she gets past her anger, she'll come around once she starts thinking about her behavior and what she said tonight. You didn't say anything about cheating on Ari, just that you were confused. Once Calliope realizes she jumped to conclusions, she needs to apologize to you."

Just then, a very sleepy Sophia appeared in the doorway to the media room. Her hair was tussled from sleeping and one pajama leg was slightly higher than it should have been from where the elastic cuff was clinging on her lower leg.

"Mama, what's going on? What's all the noise from?" She was rubbing her eyes and forehead as she tried to adjust to the brightness outside her bedroom.

"Everything is fine Bug, your sister woke up, that's all. Now, let's get you back to bed so you can show Maddy how it's done, okay?" 

I was still rocking Maddy, but with my left hand, I reached down and rubbed Soph's shoulders for a few seconds before she started back towards her room. 

"Okay, Mama." Sophia let out a big yawn and then said, can Renee tuck me back in?"

I looked over at Renee, who didn't even hesitate and said, "But of course I can," as she put her hand on Sophia's shoulder and followed her back to her bedroom. Within minutes, Renee was back in the media room and finally Maddy was settled enough that I put her back down.

"That was fast," I said, as we took seats towards the corner of the sectional again.

"Yeah, it was. I'd like to say it was because of my skills with kids, but I think the monster she used to worry about in her closet could have gotten her back to sleep tonight."

We both laughed at Renee's comment, but the emotional hole Callie had left in our house was palpable and consuming. I still had on my brave face, but could feel the hurt she had caused to me and Renee.

"Well, now that it's just us, we can talk. What's on your mind about your ex-wife? Are you going to invite her to come visit with you next week?"

"Arizona quickly you seem to have forgotten that we dated for almost a year. Do you somehow think that I don't know you as well as I do? I care more about making sure you are okay. Whatever is happening with Michelle is the least of my concerns right now."

"Renee, I'm fine, really. Callie will come around, she always does. It just takes her time to process her anger and she needs time to think about her words and actions. She's all bark and no bite, although her bark can be frightening to witness."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu