Life Comes In Waves Part II

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Callie's POV:

"Let's see, around this time last year I was slowly going mad because you were still dating Renee but hadn't gotten back together with me... "

Arizona and I were on our Babymoon, relaxing by the gas fireplace that early evening after dinner. From our vantage point on the couch, we could see the ocean and the storm clouds rolling in. The two of us were cuddled together under a blanket, talking, with Arizona sitting between my legs and leaning into my chest.

"Oh, Callie. That's not fair, but probably accurate. I can only imagine how the beginning of January last year must have felt like to you. We were in that, 'Let's kiss and make advances at each other mode,' but also in that 'We couldn't do anything about our desires for one another mode.' It really was tough for many reasons. But, look where we are now?!" 

Arizona was smiling back at me with her stunning, blue eyes, as she patted her stomach to signify one of our accomplishments together in the last year.

That was something I had noticed in the last few months especially, how much Arizona held her stomach and talked to the baby when she thought no one else was listening. I already knew from her "hidden" interchanges with the baby, how much closer she already was with our child. 

I had the same privilege during my pregnancy with Sophia, but I'd witnessed Arizona form an even tighter bond with our baby than I had with Sophia. There had been something magical I'd seen during Arizona's third trimester that I never had with Sophia due to her premature birth.

"Oh, my Love, we got lucky we realized how stupid we were to be apart last year at this time. Personally, that's all I really care about and not the endless hours of waiting you put me through or the number of nights you left me sexually frustrated." I deliberately smirked at Arizona as I tickled her sides momentarily.

"Calliope Torres Robbins. You know you're just as at fault too for us not being together last year at this time! Just because you were single a few weeks before me doesn't get you, 'off the hook!'" Arizona had started tickling my sides in a reverse attack.

"Fine, Arizona Robbins Torres, you're right." We passionately kissed as Arizona rolled over to lay on top of me so we were face to face. Not surprisingly, that's all it took for us to stop tickling one another's sides.

"Arizona, do you know how incredibly gorgeous you look right now?" I started groping Arizona and about a minute later, took off her shirt and then slid off her pants and black, lace panties. She straddled my left thigh between her legs and started grinding on me seconds later. I could feel that she was already starting to get wet and couldn't stop looking at her breasts that were loosely being wrangled in by her black, lace bra.

"Calliope Robbins?"

I laughed a bit because even though Arizona hadn't had any alcohol, she seemed to be drunk on pregnancy hormones and her lust that night. 

"I know it's still early Callie, but is there any chance you'd take me to bed right now? I should warn you though, I'm not tired. In fact, I'm very energized to be on top of you right now."

I felt my back arch in a sexually charged response to Arizona's comment as she also took a strong hold of my shoulders while gripping my thigh tighter between her legs. She had started rhythmically rocking her pelvis on my upper thigh in such a way that my clitorous was getting stimulated with every thrust Arizona made up my thigh.

It didn't take long before we both started panting, kissing and moaning as Arizona's body and pelvis rocked back and forth on me, while she worked us into an intense, pre-orgasmic frenzy. We didn't have the time to be bothered to make it to the bedroom, let alone off the couch as it felt like an impromptu race as to who would come first. 

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