Family Ties Part II

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Callie's POV:

"Callie? What else did Mother's doctor in Miami have to say this morning?"

It was Monday morning and I was attempting to work. I had just scrubbed out of a hip replacement, when my cell phone began vibrating. It was Ari, and I assumed she was calling for an update.

I had spoken with Dr. Porter, my Mother's physician earlier that morning around 6 am Seattle time, but had surgery immediately afterwards and didn't get a chance to call Aria yet. I was just getting around to calling her when she beat me to it.

"Hey sis, I just got out of surgery, you have impeccable timing. I'm going to my office right now and can talk more in depth. How are you holding up this morning?"

"I wasn't going to bother you and was going to wait for your call, but my anxiety got the better of me. I'm doing okay this morning though, how are you? I can't believe you're at work. I'd have a hard time focusing if it was me."

"Actually, surgery does the opposite for me and helps me focus. I've always appreciated how it also makes me focus on something other than my immediate problems."

"I'm still impressed. What did you find out this morning, Callie?"

"She's going to be in the ICU for at least another couple of days and there's not been much change from yesterday. Mom can wiggle her fingers and toes now, but she's still not talking or really communicating. So, she's had little to no improvement which is good and bad."

I had closed the door to my office and plopped down on the couch to continue my conversation with Ari. We discussed reasonable time lines and what to except given our Mother's type of stroke. I explained some of the things we needed to be concerned about and gave her a general synopsis of what we should anticipate.

"Are you going to fly to Miami and see them, Callie?"

I didn't know at that point myself, but knew the next few days would dictate whether or not I'd be flying back to Miami, any time soon.

"Just depends Ari, if Daddy needs help or not, which will depend on Mom's recovery in the next few days and weeks. If I go, it will be to help Father and not because of our Mother."

"I can go with you Callie, just let me know. Although Renee seems to think Mother and Father don't deserve to see me with the way they've treated me this last year."

"Renee, huh? So, tell me something, Ari... are you two officially back together? Are you ladies now, exclusive?"

"I'm not going to label it, but Renee and her ex-wife have decided they work better as friends at this point in their lives. They are going to continue to talk, but they've realized their romantic relationship is no longer what it used to be. So, I guess that means we're exclusive since we agreed we're not dating anyone else going forward."

"Aria, that's wonderful news about the two of you! I am thrilled for you both! Renee is good for you and I know, you are good for Renee. Wait a minute, are you at her condo right now and only a mere two blocks from the hospital and where I'm sitting?"

My sister laughed and said, "No. I'm sitting at the dining room table in my own condo, finishing my coffee. I stayed by myself last night, for the record. Renee stopped by though earlier this morning, since she has the day off and made breakfast for me. I've been complaining about my recent weight gain, so she brought food to make me a low carb breakfast. She's so good to me, she even brought me flowers she's so concerned about me and our family."

"Sounds like things are going terribly right for you two dorks, just don't screw it up this time, got it!?"

I started laughing as my sister said, "Calliope, I'm keenly aware of how good I have it and won't screw it up this time. Trust me. There is something about Renee that I fell for long ago..."

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