Good News, Bad News

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Arizona's POV:

I just finished a 14 hour shift, 3 emergency surgeries and 3 sets of rounds, I was beyond beat. As soon as I logged off my office computer, I grabbed my purse, jacket, keys and fled the hospital in record time. The only thing that kept me going during the shift, was the knowledge I was going to see Renee tonight. Between our schedules, it had almost been 3 days since we'd spent time together. It was the longest we had gone without seeing one another since we started dating close to 4 months ago.

Renee had started spending most nights at my house. Her apartment wasn't very big and Renee loved cooking in my brand new kitchen better than the small one with old appliances at her place. I had already talked with Renee about moving in with me and she agreed it made more sense than her paying for an apartment she was rarely at. Tonight was going to be a celebration of our new commitment and frankly, I was missing the warmth of Renee's body being pressed tightly, up against mine. 

Renee had texted me earlier in the day to let me know she had started moving in some boxes and was going to make dinner for us tonight. I decided to let her know I was on my way and texted her before starting up my car. 

"Hey sweetie, just wanted you to know I'm on my way, love you and cannot wait to see you very soon!"

"Hurry baby, but be safe. I love you and miss how it feels to hold and kiss you!" said Renee.

We had already started saying we loved one another three months ago after we finally had a passion filled night of making love to one another. The month leading up to our eventual and much needed sex, was excruciating though. I can't tell you how many nights one or both of us walked away from making out with each other with, "blue balls." 

Neither one of us was trying to be a tease, but rather, take it slow and find the right moment. When that moment finally hit, and Renee took me over-the-edge, I'm pretty sure people in Tacoma could hear my orgasmic screams. I don't want to, "Kiss and Tell," but things with her and I have been synchronized and mind blowing since our first kiss.

As I walked into the house, there were a handful of Renee's moving boxes scattered in the living room. The smell of dinner hit my olfactory senses and made my stomach grumble loudly as I walked into the kitchen. There was Renee, wearing an apron, jeans, a t-shirt and standing barefoot in front of the stove. She was stirring 2 different pots at the same time. One appeared to be angel hair pasta, my favorite, the other was some kind of garlic, basil and butter sauce. There were shrimp waiting to be incorporated and what smelled like fresh bread in the oven.

I spun Renee around from the stove, wrapped my right arm around her neck and grabbed her waist with my free left hand to pull her into my body. We started kissing and then couldn't stop. For the next 2 minutes we sustained a level of intensity that completely took both our breath away until we finally unlocked lips and retracted our tongues. It was only when the pasta water started to boil over that we snapped back to reality. Renee quickly snatched the pot off the stove, drained the water, turned off that burner and set the pasta on a cold burner. She then incorporated the shrimp and pasta into the sauce in the pan, turned that burner on simmer and pulled the bread out of the oven.

In a half second later, she had wrapped her arms around my waist, pulled me into her body and started kissing up my neck from my clavicle bone to behind my left ear. She then urged me by whispering in my ear, "Go get comfortable and I'll have dinner on the table when you get back." How could I say no to this woman?!

I ran into our bedroom, threw my work clothes in the laundry basket and slipped into a pair of yoga pants and one of Renee's old college t-shirts. Not only are her old t-shirts beyond comfortable because of how broken in they are, but they also smell like her and it's impossible for Renee to keep her hands off me when I wear one. I must admit after 3 days of not being around each other, I was hoping she wouldn't be able to keep her hands off of me tonight.

I walked back into the kitchen, to see a beautifully decorated table. She had bought me flowers and had candles lit everywhere. There was a bottle of white wine and romantic music playing in the background. It was hard for both of us to keep our hands off one another at that moment. I fell even more in love with how thoughtful Renee was, and I could tell she started getting turned on when she saw me in her t-shirt. As she kissed me before we sat down, she told me, "I can't wait to take that t-shirt off you later and then discover it on the bedroom floor tomorrow morning!"

Pretty sure we both scarfed down our fabulous dinner in record time. We quickly put food away, rinsed the dishes and I led the way and took the remaining wine back to the bedroom as Renee chased me down the hall, while trying to grab my butt from behind. 

I sat our glasses and the wine down on the dresser, before turning around to be pulled into a tight embrace and a deep kiss from Renee. It didn't take either one of us long to rip clothing off one another and hop into bed naked. 

Renee didn't waste any time and rolled on top of me in seconds. I made sure I placed my thigh between her legs as she proceeded to start rubbing her pelvis against my leg while playing tongue hockey with me. As she proceeded to kiss my body and use her tongue down to my breasts, then stomach, I couldn't help but moan. I had been longing for her to do this to me for the last 72 hours. 

As Renee continued kissing down my thighs, she took her time teasing me with anticipation until she finally found my clitoris with her well endowed tongue. As soon as she started her combination of tongue maneuvers and sucking, I completely lost it. I know I have never come that quickly or with that much intensity, but this girl was good. She didn't even need to penetrate me and I still orgasmed to the point the entire block probably heard me...

When Renee could tell I was dealing with aftershocks, she rolled onto her back while I collapsed onto her chest. She just held me and caressed me as I rolled through my post-orgasm shudders for the next few minutes. "OMG, do you know how much I love you," I asked her?!

"I have no clue," she said. "Any chance you'd want to show me?" She was smirking and panting, as much as I was still, as she asked. I made sure I blew her mind the way she had just blown mine. It didn't take much for her to orgasm that night too. Looks like I wasn't the only one in need of sex that night!"

As she collapsed on my chest and survived her post-orgasmic tremors, I finally worked up the nerve to talk with her about a few things I had already planned long ago. I didn't think about Renee at the time the plans were made since I had made them a month before we started dating. I also didn't want to spring something on our new relationship, but since we were moving in together, things had changed.

"Any chance we can talk about a couple things?" I asked her.

"Of course," she said hesitantly. 

"It's nothing about us, but it's going to effect you since we now live together."

"I should have told you sooner but we were newer to dating, so, I didn't. My parent's and Sophia are coming to Seattle for Thanksgiving week to stay with me, I mean us. It was planned many months ago, way before we met, I didn't think it would impact you much, now I realize it will. Are you okay with that many of my family members at one time, in our house?"

She didn't even hesitate and replied, "But of course! I've been wanting to meet your parents and Sophia and now I get to in one week, how cool is that?!"

I beamed from ear to ear and Renee must have seen my smile in the darkness because next thing I knew, she and I were going at it again for round two. Meanwhile, all I could think about was how much I loved and was continually falling for this woman, every, single day.

The other thought that popped in my head at that moment... I really need to tell Callie about Renee...

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