Life Should Come With Instructions

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Arizona's POV:

After putting Sophia and her new stuffed unicorn, "Rainbow," to bed, Callie went to get ready for bed while I checked on my Father. 

When my Dad, myself and Sophia got home from the hospital in Olympia, I made soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for the three of us. It was the same food my Mom used to feed our family when one of us got sick, and it had become my go-to meal, to this day, when I'm not feeling well.

After our comfort food dinner, my Dad got up and excused himself from the table in order to take a shower and crawl into bed. He clearly was exhausted and still upset with himself for not being able to prevent the car accident. My Dad doesn't share his emotions very readily, but I could tell he was worried about my Mom and her surgery the next day.

It was around 8:30 pm when I quietly knocked on my Dad's bedroom door.

"Yes?" My Dad sounded fatigued as he responded.

"Dad, it's me. I just wanted to check on you and bring you some water." 

"Arizona, you may enter." My Dad lives by military decorum, but growing up with it, I'm beyond used to it.

I set down his glass of water, sat on the side of the bed and started engaging him enough to make sure neurologically, my Dad was still doing well.

"Just wanted to let you know Mom's surgery will be at 1 pm tomorrow and Callie has an entire surgical team ready to go. Mom is doing well and is being closely monitored tonight. I will get to the hospital early tomorrow, but can come back and get you later morning so you can rest. Does that sound like an okay plan to you, Dad?"

"Sure, Arizona, I normally would go early morning, but I feel like I need some more rest than I normally allow myself tonight. Thank you for looking after your Mother and myself. I am truly sorry about your vehicle."

"Dad, like I said, I can replace my car, but not my family. Thank you for having the mindset to keep everyone in our family safe today. I hope you know how much I love you." I bent down and kissed my Dad's cheek, right before I walked out of his room and mostly closed the door.

After I made my way back to our bedroom and changed into an oversized t-shirt and just my underwear, I crawled into bed next to Callie. We talked about her time with my Mom that late afternoon and early evening. I filled Callie in on the frequent neuro checks I had been quietly conducting on our daughter and my Father.

Once in bed, Callie gently turned me over and prompted me to lay my head on her chest, while she kissed my forehead and wrapped her incredibly strong arms tightly around me.

"How are you holding up, Arizona?" Callie kissed my forehead and then lips.

"I've been through worse, Callie, and know everyone's going to be fine. Although, I will be more settled once my Mom is out of surgery and stable for a few days."

Callie squeezed me just slightly tighter for a few seconds before saying, "I know sweet girl and feel the same way too. In the meantime, let's try to get some sleep, okay?"

I groggily nodded, as I cuddled tighter into my, soon-to-be wife's chest, and fell asleep. And that's how I slept, until just before 4:00 am the next morning, when my thoughts and insomnia got the better of me. 

It started with a flashback dream of the plane crash that woke me at that ungodly hour. After the dream, I was wide awake the next 10 minutes and just decided I should get up. 

"Arizona, is everything okay?" Granted when Callie actually uttered that question at 4:00 am, it sounded more like, "Arizoh 'emerythangs 'mokay?"

"Yes sweetie, go back to bed. I'm just going to go to the bathroom and get dressed."

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