Soaking Up the Last Rays of Summer Part II

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Callie's POV:

It was late afternoon on Friday, when Sophia saw her room for the first time. She was so excited once she saw her bedroom and loved everything about it. The walls made it feel like you were standing in a forest, but at night when the lights were off, the ceiling had glowing stars, everywhere. It looked incredible.

The furniture fit perfectly with the theme and the designer and Arizona had found some "retired" optical equipment, some antique medical equipment and vintage camera accessories for her book shelves and wall decor. I especially loved how the designer hung the wall art on the mural to make it look like she was decorating the trees.  

Turns out Renee was the one that was able to get a few of the optical pieces from the Portland hospital she worked at. They were broken and going to be discarded, so, she was able to get them for free, my favorite price.

Arizona had even found a small table-top fountain for Sophia's desk. So, while Soph didn't get the waterfall she wanted, she as least had the sound of water in her outdoors/steampunk room. I had to give my wife credit for being so clever.

After dinner that night, the three of us laid in Sophia's room, once it got dark to look at the stars on her ceiling and talk. Our daughter was already getting excited about going back to school and seeing all her friends again. Arizona had made sure before our vacation to buy all her school supplies, backpack and non-kid lunch bag in solid colors.

Labor Day came and went, and Sophia started her first day of the 4th grade. I still couldn't believe how big she had gotten and that around the time Soph will have her 10th birthday, we'd have a newborn baby in our house. Funny how things change from what I was going through last year at this time in New York, versus now.

A number of weeks flew by and we were all back in our grooves by this point. Sophia with school and us with working more time since Sophia was no longer on vacation. As a family, we had definitely figured out our routine for the school year by that point.

It was the end of another long week, but we were attending a poster session that Friday afternoon at the hospital. It was the event we said we'd attend on behalf of Renee's research project she conducted with an Ophthalmology fellow while she worked at Grey Sloan Memorial.

Arizona and I had clinical responsibilities that morning, but took off our Admin hours that day to attend the session. It was basically a little bit of everything research-wise with an emphasis on the hospital's research projects and prior student research.

The sessions were being conducted over 3 days and Renee happened to be presenting on the 2nd day. As we walked down the line of projects and talked to some of the researchers, we eventually came to Renee's table and posters. Her Ophtho fellow had gotten called in that afternoon for a retinal detachment, so it was just Renee presenting. As Arizona and I got closer to her table, I noticed my sister, sitting off to the side.

"When did they let you become a doctor, huh?" I walked over to hug Ari, as she stood up and hugged me back.

"Funny sis, but I'm here for moral support. I will stick to my day job, thank you very much."

"We haven't seen much of you guys lately. Is everything okay with you both?" I had a curious look on my face as I inquired to my sister and Renee.

Renee had just finished talking to the other person at her poster presentation. When they finished their conversation and he walked off to the next poster, Renee came closer to us.

"Well, about that Callie," I could tell that Ari was speaking on her and Renee's behalf. "We have some news to share with you both. Renee and I are moving in together."

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