Passions And Infatuations Part II

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Callie's POV:

The four of us had just finished dinner, when Sophia let out a big yawn.

"Somebody's tired from their late night yesterday evening..." I was teasing Soph with my sing-song voice, but could tell she was legitimately tired that evening from her later bedtime the night before.

"No I'm not, I could stay up tonight too and I would be just fine tomorrow." Sophia had a determined look on her face as she spoke.

"Well, too bad daughter of mine you won't get the chance to find out, because bedtime is your usual time this evening. Now, once you put your plate in the sink, will you take a shower before we watch some TV?"

"Yes, Mama..." Sophia responded to Arizona by making her voice sound as if she was being tortured by Arizona's request to take her nightly shower as she slunk off down the hall. Eventually we'd hear the water turn on and Sophia start singing.

It was the cutest thing Soph had started doing lately and we knew she was copying me. I've always been one of those people that enjoys singing along with the radio or to songs that are stuck in my head. Seems Sophia had picked up on that and Arizona noticed a few weeks ago that Soph had begun belting out songs when she showered, just like me.

Tonight's tunes included songs from an animated film we had watched last week and a medley of kids songs in both Spanish and English before the water turned off.

"Callie, it's so adorable that Sophia has started singing around the house like you do. Of course, now I have two of you to contend with when I'm looking for a moment of quiet!"

We were cleaning up the mess from dinner and Arizona was doing the dishes while she spoke. I decided to push the front of my body into her back as she stood at the sink and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"If you were looking for quiet Dr. Robbins, you married the wrong woman." I started softly singing a song that we liked from when Arizona and I first met in her ear. Arizona turned off the water and wrapped her arms around my own that were holding her.

"Oh, I know sweetheart and I rather like listening to your singing and now Soph's. It's a good thing we have the treehouse though, just in case you two get too loud for Maddy and I."

"You mean so you and Maddy can go hide out from Sophia and I?"

"Gosh no, Callie. It's so I can stick you two out there if or when you decide to start a family rock band!" 

Arizona giggled as she spun around and wrapped her arms around my neck and held me closer. 

Her hair was down, but she was wearing a hair clip in the center of her head that was holding back the hair around her face. Her blue eyes were twinkling and her smile seemed electric in that moment. I knew that look anywhere and felt my heart beat faster to see Arizona's look she has just for me when she's happy and feeling our love.

"At the rate Soph is going, you might need to exile us sooner than later. Speaking of which, it hit me today that we should see if our oldest wants to take voice or music lessons? Her Summer program has some offerings for voice and lots of instruments."

I was still holding Arizona around her waist as we talked. I don't even remember much of what we said, but more so how I was feeling in that moment. There seemed to be this energy between us that night, like a new found spark that hadn't been there for awhile.

"Sounds good to me Callie, let's talk with her this weekend when we look over the class schedule with her. Now, I have a question for you." 

I nodded for Arizona to ask her question... 

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