"Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" Part II

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Callie's POV:

After hearing the news from Richard Webber about our afternoon meeting that Monday, the three of us sat and talked in Arizona's office for another 10 minutes. Teddy ended up leaving at that point, but not before hugging us and telling Arizona, "Not to worry." 

I decided to stay in Arizona's office, so I closed the door and motioned her to come sit with me on her office couch. I always feel like I'm in trouble with the principal at school when she sits behind her desk and I sit in front of it. What can I say? I might have gotten in trouble a time or two when I was in my formative school years... Of course, Arizona was a perfect straight A student, so she never got in trouble for skipping classing or getting caught smoking in the girl's locker room.

Once we sat down I started talking. "Sweetheart, it's really going to be okay. You were flawless during that surgery and did everything by the book. You should stop stressing so much. I know you have never had a malpractice lawsuit slapped against you in all your years of practice, but this is not one to worry about. I should know as someone that came close to losing a case. Even though I didn't know the about the results of the Peterson hip that Travis insisted he needed, ultimately led his double amputation."

"Callie, but I'm the lead surgeon on this case! If they are successful, I'm the one that's going down. They won't sue you or Teddy for nearly as much since you were both assisting."

"Gee Arizona, thanks. It sounds like you want them to nail all of us equally." I gave her a sarcastic but joking look, but she wasn't having it at that moment. She was so wound up she just gave me a dirty look.

"Arizona, I was only joking, lighten up, please. You need to go into this meeting confident about your abilities and your decisions.  This isn't a time to be anything but yourself. Remember what you said to me when my Dad showed up at the hospital with our priest after I came out to him?"

"No. I don't remember, Callie." She had a sullen look on her face. 

"Well, since you don't remember, I do. You told me to give him time to come around basically, that I should give him time to be a little shocked. You said that I had changed the rules after 30 years and that I should talk to him. I will never forget what you said when you walked out of that supply closet after I jokingly said, 'I hate you.' I knew you were right, but didn't want to hear it."

"What did I say, Callie?"

"You said, "'Cause I'm right. And I'm awesome." It made me laugh, because your words encapsulated the girl I had fallen in love with. A confident, brilliant surgeon who didn't have any self doubt about herself or her abilities. It would have been really cute if you weren't so darn right too!"

"Well, that girl Callie, is long gone. She's been replaced by a middle aged, self doubting shell of the person she used to be."

"Arizona Robbins, you are still the same girl. You've just been hit with more things than anyone should in the last few months. What can I do to help you be that cocky, gorgeous, secure in herself woman I first met?"

"Callie, I don't know anymore and sadly, I don't find myself caring." After saying that last sentence she slumped her face into my shoulder and started crying. I wrapped my arms around her and gently rubbed her back with my right hand while I let her cry on me.

Eventually her tears stopped or she just ran out of them, I wasn't sure which. By this point I had already grabbed the facial tissues and had handed her a wad of them five minutes ago. As I wiped away the last tears falling down her cheeks, she managed to speak.

"I'm sorry Callie, I didn't mean to break down like that." 

It broke my heart to see how sad she was when I looked into her eyes. Normally when Arizona's in a good mood, her eyes are a sparkling, brilliant, deep blue. At this moment, they were a dull, lifeless, almost grey color.

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