Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

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Arizona's POV:

I was in the bathroom finishing my hair and make-up before going into work that February morning and had started reflecting upon my "new" relationship with Callie. It still felt like the bottom was going to drop out at some point between us, it always had in the past. Even though things were amazing between Callie and I, it was hard to shake that feeling sometimes.

I had to keep pinching myself the first month that Callie and I were back together. There were so many moments I was convinced I was in a wonderful dream, that I would inevitably wake from. I finally realized I hadn't felt this completely happy, since before the plane crash. While I don't let the plane crash define who I am anymore, it effectively changed our lives in the months that followed afterward.

Our new beginning, was just that, new. It felt different from the start and this time, Callie and I were going into it, older, wiser and determined to make our relationship work. We now had the benefit, thanks to therapy, of understanding our actions and emotions and knowing how to deal with them in a healthy way. Most importantly, we had learned to communicate with one another in an effective manner. 

Valentine's Day was quickly approaching and I had been wracking my brain trying to come up with something clever to give to Callie. Of course I was going to get her yellow and red roses, but knew she'll probably do the same for me. Still, there had to be something else I could do to show her how much I loved her and to let her know how much she meant to me. Oh well, something will hit me I figured, in the upcoming days.

"Arizona! Have you seen Sophia's lunch box? I can't seem to find it." Callie has quite the booming voice when she wants. Callie was down the hall in the kitchen, packing Sophia's lunch and feeding her breakfast.

"Callie, check the car, she probably forgot to bring it in last night." I was talking loud enough so Callie could hear me in the kitchen, while I was finishing getting ready for work, in our bedroom. 

I heard the front door open and close, followed by the door opening and closing a minute later. "Found it!" Callie's voice carried throughout the entire 1st floor of the house.

I had finished getting ready and walked into the kitchen to see what was going on at that point in the morning, and was greeted by my two adorable girls. Sophia was having breakfast and Callie was making her a peanut butter and honey sandwich for her lunch. 

My girlfriend and daughter both have a thing with peanut butter, I swear we go through 3 jars a month, now that they moved back in with me. Before that, I might have gone through a jar, per year, unless Sophia was with me.  

I usually need to rip the jar out of Callie's hands a lot of nights when we get home, otherwise, she'll grab a spoon and attempt to eat the entire thing. Makes me still smile when I think about all the quirks both my girls have and share.

"Sophia, I meant to tell you, Zola's Mom told me last night about Zola's Valentine's Day sleepover party coming up. Do you want to go?"

"Well, duh, Mama, of course I do!" Sophia seemed proud of her usage of the word, 'duh.'

I was confused for a moment, when did my daughter learn the word, 'duh?!' I had to repress my smile and concern simultaneously, as Callie piped-up before me.

"Duh?! Sophia, when did you learn that word?"

"It was in a cartoon I saw." Soph was rather matter of fact about her response, as she continued to eat her cereal.

"Of course it was. Okay, while there are moments it's okay to use that word sweetie, we don't say it to people, especially your Mom's. Okay?" Callie said exactly what I was thinking too.

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