It's Hard To Be A Good Man In A Storm Part II

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Callie's POV:

It was a Monday, and my first day back after maternity leave. I was sitting in my office, watching my computer start up and praying that the hard drive would take it's sweet time being ready for my use. 

At that moment, I was busy sipping on my coffee and trying to work-up the ambition to just dive right into my paperwork. Instead, all I could do was stare out the window at the rain and the new vegetation growing outside from the vantage point of my office window.

It was that part of Spring, where almost everything that had been monochromatic and lifeless in the last 5 months, had started to bloom and do so in every color imaginable. I was currently fixated on a row of cherry blossom trees in front of my windows, that had almost lost all of their petals from the rough winds and rain the last few days. I was busy musing to myself about how "tough" those remaining petals must be to survive, when Meredith popped her head in my doorway.

"Callie!? It's great to have you back! Is Arizona here today as well?"

I quickly got out of my headspace about "butch" cherry blossoms and back into reality as I smiled at Meredith and motioned for her to grab one of the chairs in front of my desk.

"She is, but we drove separately since I dropped off Sophia at school and Arizona dropped off Madelyn at daycare. We figured until we have a better routine, we're going give ourselves plenty of time to figure everything out. I just wish we were able to get more sleep than we have been able to."

"Ahhh, I remember my days with a 6 year old, 3 year old and a newborn. There were a lot of challenges along the way back then, but we all managed to muddle through. You and Arizona as a team will have no problems. As for the exhaustion, well, good luck with that. I'm still not sure how I even survived residency, let alone late nights with my babies. When I have late nights or early mornings now, it always takes me a few days to bounce back I feel like."

"Us too and it feels like we are now permanently exhausted. I know it will get better, but our adorable Maddy is slowly sucking our energy levels down to zero."

"Thank goodness they are so cute. It really helps when you reach rock bottom. Hey, how was your long weekend at the hotel? I know you said you're tired, but you have a huge dopey grin across your face this morning, so things can't be that terribly bleak."

"We had an early morning with Maddy today, but our weekend was fantastic and it wasn't just catching up on sleep that made it wonderful. Arizona and I didn't realize it, but we really needed that downtime to reconnect and rediscover why we fell in love. That probably sounds like we need help with our relationship, but that's not the case. The trip was a magical opportunity to focus on us, and not everyone else in our lives for a change. We know the depth of our love for one another, but it's good to have the opportunity to be reminded of that love and to spend time enjoying each other."

"So in other words Callie, you two spent the entire weekend in bed? Good for you both if you did! I can't remember the last time I had a trip like that and understand what you mean about simply reconnecting. It's amazing how children can make you forget sometimes exactly why you're together."

I blushed a little, but said, "We basically only put clothes on when we had to, but it wasn't necessarily about all the sex."

"All the sex... I feel so bad for you, Callie!" 

Meredith rolled her eyes and pretended to be annoyed with me after her comment, but we both laughed at her quip about me making light of our sexual escapades this last weekend.

"Okay, so that came out wrong. The sex was very nice and needed, but the time we spent just talking and being together was also very nice. For a few days, it felt like we were childless and dating again. There was a spark between us that was incredible and I hope now that we are back to our routine, that spark remains."

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