All Things Heal in Time

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Arizona's POV:

Callie and I got to my Mom's recovery area, grabbed two chairs and sat down next to the right side of her hospital bed. We still had at least 30 minutes to go before my Mom recovered from her anesthesia. 

Callie spent some of that time going through her medical record with me and describing each surgical step as it had occurred. As surgeons, we don't forget anything that happens in the OR, especially on important cases, like my Mom's.

About 40 minutes after we arrived, my Mom started to move and open her eyes. "How did it go doctors?" My Mom began speaking shortly after waking. Her voice was hoarse, so I jumped up to get her some ice chips from the nurse's station.

As I briefly left the curtain area, Callie started talking to my Mom.

"Barbara, everything went as planned. The most important thing right now is for you to get some rest and recover. I have already made arrangements for a team of residents to keep a close watch on you if Arizona or myself are not here."

"Here, Mom. I grabbed some ice chips for you." As I walked back in to the curtain area, I set a cup down on the tray table, that was to the left side of Mom's bed.

"Thank you Arizona, my throat is a bit sore." My Mom, picked up the cup and ingested a few pieces of ice. "When do I get to go back to my room, Arizona?"

"Very soon Mom." I patted my Mom on her left shoulder and kissed her cheek.

Callie had just walked out of the curtain area to let the nursing staff know that Mom needed to be transferred, while I continued to talk with my, still groggy, Mother.

Within a few minutes, a group of nurses and interns appeared and wheeled my Mother back to her private room. It's amazing how quickly things can get done in a hospital setting when you are the chief of your department, let alone when there are two chiefs involved in the care of one of their family members.

We let Mom know we'd be right back, as I went to go get my Dad from my office and Callie went to get Sophia from daycare.

Apparently, on the way back from the daycare to my Mom's room, Callie took time to explain to Soph about grandma's surgery and that grandma was very tired, but she just needed to get some rest to feel better. Callie ended up likening my Mom's need for rest to when Sophia vomits and just needs sleep. She said Sophia understood and was prepared when she walked into the room and saw my Mom.

My Dad, Dr. Wheeler and myself, were already in the room when my girls walked in, holding hands.

"Hey you two, how was daycare, Sophia?" Soph came running over to me and hugged my waist, as I bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Daycare was fun, Mama. We played games, had snacks and then one of the helpers read us 3 books. I saw two of my friends from when I used to go there before." (Sophia was now enrolled at the daycare attached to her private school.)

Sophia didn't miss a beat and then bounced over to my Mom's bedside. "Hi Grandma, are you feeling better yet?"

My Mom took Sophia's hand in hers before talking, "Not yet, but surgery is going to help me feel better very soon my dear, don't you worry. Your granny is going to be her old self in no time."

Laura spoke after my Mom and Sophia stopped their conversation. "Barbara, everything went great during the surgery, but of course this is going to take time to heal. I will be here tonight, before driving back to Olympia in the morning, so I will be checking on you throughout the night."

"Thank you Dr. Wheeler for everything you are doing, I appreciate it."

Laura patted my Mom's left hand and told her she'd check on her in about an hour. 

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