Auld Lang Syne

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Arizona's POV:

New Year's Eve came and went, which meant another trip back to the airport to drop off my parents and Callie. 

Saying goodbye to my folks always makes me sad for days after their departure. Even though they eventually plan on moving to Seattle for their retirement, it will probably be a long time before my Father decides to give up the one thing that defines him, his military career. So, saying goodbye to my parents, is always heartbreaking to me, especially since it will be a while before I see them again.

At least one positive thing I realized during our goodbyes this round, was the knowledge that Callie would be back as soon as she got things wrapped up in NYC. Still though, I was going to miss her smile, the way her perfume smelled, just her, while she was away. It amazed me how quickly and easily Callie had fit back into my life, in fact, maybe a little too easily.

I was fully aware at this point, that I was struggling with spending time alone with Callie. Every time we were alone, one of us would slip-up and go back to our old ways as a married couple. It's difficult to explain, but, I had no self control around Callie and she didn't around me.

I've always thought Callie is magnificent in so many ways, but the attraction we have always shared, is all encompassing. Neither one of us has been able to resist the other for very long. I still wonder to this day if Callie hadn't moved to NY with Penny, if we would have gotten back together, eventually.

'Things happen for a reason,' I reminded myself, as I was driving home...

"Arizona? What do you think? Arizona, are you okay?" Renee was talking to me from the passenger's seat in the SUV.

"Sorry, I was just deep in thought. What did you ask me?" I had managed to break myself out of my trance and acknowledge my girlfriend.

"It's okay," Renee said, "I know how sad you get after your parents leave." Renee was reassuringly stroking my upper right thigh. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out for breakfast? It's our last day off, before we all go back to the grind."

"Sure, that sounds good. Should we go to the cafe by our house?" I was thankful in that moment Renee couldn't hear the thoughts in my head I was having about my ex-wife.

I can't speak for my daughter or Renee, but could tell they were both exhausted after the last couple weeks of holidays and entertaining. In fact, Sophia had fallen asleep in the car on the way home from the airport. I noticed Renee looked tired that morning as we were loading up the car with everyone's luggage.

"That sounds perfect, the cafe is close to the house and it's easy to get a table. I don't know about you, but I plan on taking a nap when we get home." Renee yawned as she tried to talk.

"I'm right there with you Sweetheart, and if this little  one," I gestured my head towards Sophia's direction in the backseat, "Goes down for a nap later on, I will happily join you for some sleepy, cuddle, time."

"Speaking of which, we should start waking her up now, so she's alert when we get to the restaurant in 10 minutes." Renee agreed with what I said and started gently rubbing Sophia's lower legs, while I started speaking, "Hey Lovebug, are you hungry?"

Sophia can sometimes be difficult to wake up, especially when she's tired. "Sweet Girl, do you want to go get breakfast?"

I thought Sophia said yes, even though what she said wasn't even close to a real word. I could tell she was about to go back to sleep and started peppering Soph with questions. 

"What are you going to order at the restaurant, Bug?"

"I want to have pancakes and chocolate milk." Sophia had attempted to rub the, "sleep," out of her eyes while she spoke.

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