Love Is a Battlefield Part II

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Callie's POV:

It had been a rather long and stressful morning for me, even though, I wasn't the one going through the break-up, for a change...

After leaving Arizona's room, I went to go take a shower before getting Sophia up and ready for school. 

I just stood under the hot water for a good 5 minutes before I could find the motivation to even wash my hair or body. The reality of the role I played in the demise of Renee and Arizona made me feel ashamed and guilty of my careless actions in recent months while I pursued my ex-wife.

I justified my behavior, during those months I was living with Arizona, by telling myself the two of us were meant to be, that we didn't have a choice in whom our soulmates truly are and that Arizona and I were supposed to be together all along. 

I did feel horrible about how everything impacted Renee. I hoped one day, she would talk to one or both of us, so we could apologize to her. 

Once I got moving, I was out of the shower and dressed in no time. It was 6:30 am and time to wake up my sleepyhead of a daughter. School days are always the toughest days to wake Sophia up. Can't say as I blame Soph, I feel the same way about my work days and getting out of bed.

I got Sophia dressed, fed her breakfast, made sure she brushed her teeth and we were on our way to school. Luckily, Sophia's school is less than a mile from our house, so with traffic, it usually takes less than 10 minutes, at most, to get there. 

After kissing Sophia goodbye and wishing her a good day at school, I decided to swing by the cafe we like, in order to get some pastries and coffee. I knew Arizona was going to claim she wasn't that hungry, but decided to grab something for her, just in case.

As I waited for my order, the thought struck me I might be waiting a while for Arizona to work through her break-up, before we could seriously start dating. Rebound relationships never seem to work out, even though they seem right within the context of when they occur. I didn't want to start my, 'new,' relationship with Arizona that way and I knew she didn't either.

My order was ready at that moment, so I grabbed the bag of food and the drink carrier with two coffees and headed back to my car. As I left the cafe, I decided to stop at the floral shop a couple doors away. I had impulsively decided to buy flowers for Arizona to cheer her up. 

Thankfully, the florist had what I wanted, what we've always exchanged back and forth since Arizona started the tradition. 

The tradition started not long after the first time we told each other we loved one another, it was the first of Arizona's birthdays I had spent with her. Suffice to say, Arizona's surprise birthday party that year was a huge disaster, but the next day, Arizona felt bad and bought me two dozen roses. 

One dozen was red, the other dozen was yellow. Not only do they look amazing as a mixed two dozen bouquet, but I loved the symbolism they represented when Arizona explained it to me.

She told me the yellow represented friendship, which she thought was the foundation of our relationship, and red represented romance and true love. From that moment forward, those rose colors mixed together became a representation of our relationship.

The florist did a fantastic job with his arrangement and was done in no time at all. I picked up the wrapped bouquet, my food items and finally walked to my car to head home.

When I walked in the house, I could hear the muffled sounds of Arizona, crying from her bedroom. As my footsteps got closer to her doorway, I heard her crying start to lessen.

"Callie, is that you?" Arizona sounded hoarse and emotionally raw as she asked.

"It's just me, I'm back from dropping off Sophia. Is it okay if I come sit with you?"

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