To Be Determined Part II

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Callie's POV:

It was the day after my sister's car accident, early morning, and I couldn't sleep. I was laying in our bed, on my back, and looking up at the ceiling in the dark. I could hear Arizona breathing, as she slept and laid facing away from me. I didn't want to wake her, but part of me just wanted to hold her until I needed to get up. I knew I shouldn't wake my pregnant wife, but the sadness I was feeling about my sister had left a hole in my head and heart.

So, I rolled over, wrapped my arms around her and spooned her. It was selfish, but I needed her to tell me everything was going to be okay in that moment. She's always had the ability to reassure me when I was at my lowest and this was definitely a time I needed her.

I heard her yawn and then take a deep breath, before turning over to face me in bed. Without hesitation, she gently kissed my lips and said, "Good morning, my love. Are you okay, sweetheart? I know your shock regarding Ari has worn off by this point and you must be feeling incredibly sad and worried."

Arizona started caressing my face and hair, as I started softly crying.

"No. I'm not okay and I'm just so scared, Arizona. What if Ari doesn't make it? What if she has permanent brain damage? What if she's one of the few that doesn't wake up from her coma?" I can't imagine my life without Ari in it, especially since she's moved to Seattle."

"I know Sweetie, but we just have to take this one day at a time, right?"

"I know, you're right, but the waiting is killing me. Even if she does wake up, there's jail time and hefty fines she'll more than likely need to deal with. If Ari gets through that, she'll have time in rehab. The whole thing is an absolute cluster-fuck. Regardless of what's coming down the pipe, I just want my sister back and then I can worry about what's to come."

"I feel the same way, Callie, and I'm concerned about getting our old, Aria back, more than anything that happens after that. However, this is going to take time and part of that is related to her alcoholism. Her body has been a punching bag with the constant onslaught of her drinking over the years. It's going to take awhile for Ari to regain consciousness while her body tries to find some kind homeostasis again in the wake of the accident."

Arizona kissed my forehead and wrapped her left arm around me to pull me closer to her while she held me. Her baby bump was pushing into my stomach, as she pushed her forehead into my forehead. As always, she knew how to comfort me better than anyone I've ever known and I felt myself let out a deep sigh.

"I should get up and get ready. Do you need any help with Sophia this morning, Arizona?"

"Callie, Soph and I are fine, so just worry about Ari right now, okay? Also, I need to make breakfast for Soph, can I make you and Carlos something? You both need to eat and keep yourselves going, so I insist you try to eat something before you go back to the hospital. I bought some bagels, cream cheese and lox if you don't want the diced ham and scrambled eggs I'm making for Soph this morning."

"Don't worry about us, we'll grab something before we get there or eat the bagels. Thank you for always being so sweet and considerate. I'm not sure how you do it, but you always know what to do or say in any situation."

"I've gone through a lot of loss in my lifetime and have become accustomed to what certain situations require. I wish I didn't know and understand, but I do. However, I'd give it all back to have Tim alive and well."

"I know you do, Arizona, I know." We both held one another for another few minutes in silence, before I kissed my wife and then rolled out of bed to go shower. Arizona got up seconds after me to go start getting Sophia's lunch and breakfast made.

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