We're Just Spinning Our Wheels Part II

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Callie's POV:

We had just sat down to our Friday night dinner that consisted of cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes. I was holding Madelyn with my left arm, while I attempted to eat with my right hand.

"I see you ordered the entire menu, Arizona." 

All of us started laughing because for the most part, she had. The menu at Dick's Drive-In, is incredibly simple and only consists of what we ordered, give or take a handful of other things. Food-wise however, we had ordered their main three items, burgers, fries and milkshakes.

"Mama? Which milkshake is mine?" Sophia was gazing at Arizona for an answer since she was the one that ordered our food.

"Well, I got one of each flavor, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, so I'll let you and your Mom choose and I'll take whatever's left." 

Arizona already knew who would pick which flavor, but it was funny she wanted to see how it would play out. I noticed Arizona's facial expression shift to her inquiring look as she spoke.

"Sophia, I like any of the flavors, so, why don't you pick first?" 

I really didn't mind which flavor I had and shared Arizona's curiosity about which one Soph would choose in the end.

Arizona and I both shared a quick smile between us, as we waited to hear our daughter's big decision that Friday night. At least you would have thought it was the largest decision she had made that week with the amount of thought she put into it.

"Hhhhmmmm..."  We then watched Sophia point to each cup on the table and start reasoning, out loud, all the pro's and con's for each flavor.

"While our oldest is deciding, let's all start eating, shall we? Let's face it, the food is not getting any warmer as we sit here." Arizona was unwrapping her fries and eventually her cheeseburger. Her run must have made her hungrier than normal with the way she had started ravenously attacking her food.

"But I did have chocolate milk this morning..." Sophia was still busy trying to figure out which flavor she wanted.

"Sophia, you do realize by the time you make-up your mind that our milkshakes will be cups of ice cream soup?" 

Arizona started laughing to herself, after I attempted to verbally prod Sophia's decision-making along.

"Okay, I got it! I want the strawberry milkshake." 

With that, one flavor was gone. That's when I saw Arizona grab the cup that was closest to her and take a drink.

"Whew! I'm glad you finally decided Soph, because I was getting really thirsty." 

"Hey! I thought you said I could pick next, Arizona?"

"You did, Callie."

"Um, No, I didn't... you just picked."

"Which flavor would you have picked next, Calliope?"

My full name, there it was. That meant I was about to get proven wrong, because I could tell my wife's playful voice any day of the week. At least, for a change, I wasn't in trouble which is the other moment that Arizona uses my full name.

"The chocolate one, why?"

"Which flavor did I pick, Calliope?"

"Vanilla. I see what you're getting at, but what if I actually wanted the vanilla one?"

"Callie, in the decade plus that I've known you, I've never once, seen you order or choose anything vanilla. Well, with the exception of me!" 

I started laughing so loud in response to Arizona, that Maddy started waving her arms at me. Which made us laugh again, as it was the first time we had seen her physically react to one of us.

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