When the Doctor Becomes the Patient Part II

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Callie's POV:

As I watched Arizona walk down the hall, The Colonel quietly stood up from the table, grabbed the newspaper and headed into the media room. Sophia got up as well, and followed him. No doubt he was going to read the newspaper while my daughter watched TV.

I was trying to keep busy watching the pasta sauce, when Barbara walked over and asked, "Is everything okay with Arizona?"

"It is, she just had some blood work completed today and it's probably her doctor calling with the results."

"Uh huh. What's really going on? Wouldn't they normally email her the results? Doctors only call when something is wrong."

"Barbara, I'm sure everything is fine, we happen to know the doctor and I think Arizona is just getting the, VIP treatment."

"Callie, would you like me to watch the sauce while you go check on my daughter?"

"I need to use the bathroom, so that would be amazing."

I gave Barbara a half hug and headed back to our bedroom in time to hear Arizona hang-up her phone. I closed the door to the room and sat down next to her on the bed. I had hoped she would have had a smile on her face, but instead, she looked deflated.

"Arizona, what did Dr. Gaines say?" I put my arm around her back and started gently rubbing her shoulders and upper back. I could see tears just starting to form in my soon-to-be wife's eyes. 

"Everything is fine, she just called to tell me my hemoglobin levels were slightly decreased. We discussed (briefly) the risk factors of being pregnant, with a history of a miscarriage and my age. I was optimistically hoping everything would be just fine, and was not expecting this news of an additional complication."

"Do you still want to go through with the pregnancy? I know what the complications of having reduced hemoglobin can cause. What was your level? What grade is it?"

"100 g/L, it's grade I. Still, with pregnancy, those levels will most likely drop even lower. I know I will be taking folic acid now, but I still worry about the potential for pre-term birth, low birth weight and the baby being too small for their gestational age."

"Sweetheart," Arizona had a couple tears spill down her cheeks, that I gently wiped away, "It's okay, whatever you decide to do is fine with me. I'm just here to be your emotional rock and sex slave."

Arizona started laughing at the, 'sex slave,' title I had given myself.

"Callie," she leaned forward and kissed me, "I love you, thanks for making me laugh and for being my, sex slave."

"We don't need to decide anything tonight and can talk about it when you are ready, okay?"

She nodded and then pressed her face into my shoulder, as I continued to hold her and kiss her forehead.

"Okay, you are right. I'm not even pregnant and I'm already an emotional wreck. We should probably go back and finish making dinner."

"Good idea, your Mom took over after she saw you take that call. I told her you had a doctors appointment this afternoon and she thinks Jennifer called to give you catastrophic results."

"Oh great, I definitely need to pull it together then. I'll clean-up my face and head to the kitchen."

I kissed her lips, patted the top of her right thigh and got up. Arizona dried her tears and grabbed my hand as we walked back to the kitchen.

"Everything okay, doctors?" Barbara had the same concerned look Arizona gets, even down to biting her lower lip, when she's anxious.

"Everything is fine, Mom. Just my doctor calling to tell me I have a mild form of Anemia. Which would explain why I've felt so tired the last few months."

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