Accidents Happen Part II

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Callie's POV:

I had just left Arizona and Sophia, and went to find Arizona's Mom's curtain area. Barbara looked pretty beaten-up on her right side from the accident. Some bruising had already started to be apparent on her face, hand and arm. 

"Hi Barbara, how are you doing? Can I get you anything?"

"Well Callie, I've certainly felt better, but this too will heal in time. And I'm fine, no need to make a fuss over this old lady, but thank you."

"I'm going to take a look at you myself, if that's okay? I'm also going to talk with the Ortho doctor when they finally appear."

"Thank you, Callie. It's a relief to know you're going to be in here when the doctor looks over my leg."

After I assessed her femur and external injuries, it looked clear to me she needed a rod placed in the bone to help Barbara's femur heal properly. Just as I sat down, the curtain was gently pulled back and opened. It was the Fellow, Laura Wheeler, that I had worked with a few years before. Laura didn't initially see me sitting, as my chair was at the end of the bed and the other end of the curtain that hadn't been moved.

"Hello, Mrs. Robbins, I'm doctor Wheeler from the Orthopedic department and have come to take a look at your leg and scans." Laura walked into the curtain area and shook Barbara's right hand. Dr. Wheeler noticed my presence from her peripheral vision and at that point had spun around to make my acquaintance.

"Hi, I'm...., Dr. Torres!" Laura stopped her introduction mid-sentence when you she realized it was me.

"Actually, I'm Dr. Torres, you're Dr. Wheeler!" Laura started laughing at my corny joke, as I got up and crossed the room to give her a hug. "How are you doing these days, Laura?" I returned to my seat after our quick embrace.

"I'm good Dr. Torres, things here are generally tame in comparison to Grey Sloan." How do you know Mrs. Robbins? You're not just here to check up on me, right?" The three of us laughed at Laura's joke.

"No, I'm not here to check-up on you, I don't need to. You were one of the best fellows I've worked with over the years. Barbara is my Mother-in-law, so I decided to sit in on her consult since I might know something about Ortho."

"Congratulations Callie on getting married again! Who's the lucky person, Penny? You two were dating when I was doing my fellowship."

Barbara had an intrigued look on her face, as she was staring at the ring on my left ring finger.

"Callie, what did you and my daughter do the last few days while we were gone? I noticed your ring on your left hand just now."

"Barbara, we were going to tell you and the Colonel when you got home, but unfortunately, we were unable to, since the accident happened."

"Did you two get married?" Barbara had an excited look on her face, so I knew she was happy to hear our news.

"No, but Arizona proposed to me and I proposed to her last Sunday. We're engaged, but we haven't gotten married yet, we want Sophia to be a part of whatever we end up doing"

"Oh Callie, come over here and give me a hug, gently! I'm so excited for you and Arizona! It took you two ladies, too long, to figure it out but I'm thrilled you finally did. You both were meant for each other, that's been evident since I first saw the two of you together."

Laura spoke up, "Wow, you just got engaged a few days ago, that's even more exciting news than I thought! And you got engaged to Arizona again?! I agree with your Mother-in-law,  you and Arizona made such a good pair when I first met you, Callie. The two of you were together when I first joined the staff at Grey Sloan."

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