Cabin Fever Part IV

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Callie's POV:

After we finished dinner that first night and cleaned up the kitchen, the 3 of us went and sat outside around the backyard fire pit. All of us bundled up, as it was starting to get chilly around the time we finally made it outside.

We still had our music playing, but had moved it outside at this point, so we could listen while our immediate family talked and eventually made S'mores together.

"Hey Soph, what would you like to do tomorrow after breakfast? We can go hiking or fishing, or just sit around and play games together. What would you like to do?" We were both looking at her as I asked my question.

"Can we do all of them?" Leave it to Sophia to want to accomplish everything on the list in one day.

"Well Bug, the hike or fishing will probably take the better part of the morning, so we can probably do one or the other, but not both. We can also figure it out in the morning and see what you think then. The games in the afternoon are doable though." Arizona decided to tackle our daughter's ambitious activity planning by quickly responding.

"Okay, sounds good, eventually we can do everything though, right?"

"Yes, Soph, we can and will. In fact, I was looking at the weather on my phone earlier and think tomorrow night will be the warmest night of the week, but still chilly compared to Seattle nights right now."

"So, as long as we wear warm clothes, our sleeping bags and clothes will keep us warm." After finishing talking, I noticed Arizona was giving her grimaced smile she usually gives when she's trying to be a good sport about something she doesn't like. I patted her on the back reassuringly as she sat next to me by the fire. 

I know she's never been a fan of camping. I'm still shocked since she still likes fishing so much. She did explain to me years ago there is a big difference, especially now after what she went through with the plane crash.

 I was proud of Arizona for working up the courage tomorrow night to stay in the tent in the backyard. I had already told her if she'd rather sleep inside, I would understand. However, she insisted she would sleep in the tent and didn't want to let Sophia down. She hasn't talked much about the plane crash or her week in the wilderness with her broken femur, but I can't even imagine what she and everybody went through. 

Mark told me briefly about the horrors they all lived through being wounded and stranded without supplies, right before he passed away. They knew that they could be the next victims after Lexie, especially the way they witnessed wolves savagely tear her lifeless body apart.

"Well girls, it's starting to get cold outside and I thought we should turn off the fire and go inside by a real fire and watch some TV, shall we?" They both nodded as I turned off the fireplace and the girls picked up the S'mores ingredients. After bringing everything inside we had brought out, Arizona began making a fire, while I found some blankets in the linen closet upstairs. She is a fire master and very soon, had it started before throwing a few small logs on. 

I had encouraged Sophia to sit next to me and Arizona on the opposite side of me. I lovingly wrapped my arms around both of them while asking, "Well my loves, what should we watch tonight?"

Both girls shrugged their shoulders as Arizona said, "I don't care, what do you guys want to watch?"

At that point, Sophia started suggesting all her favorite kids shows and movies, but in the end, we introduced Sophia to a movie that was family friendly and one that debuted in the 1980's that we both loved when we were kids. 

She got just over a hour into the movie, when we both heard the faint sounds of her snoring start. She had fallen asleep while she was snuggled into me. My wife and I both looked at each other and smiled at one another.

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