The Road To Hell Is Now Paved

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Arizona's POV:

Sophia, myself and Maddy were in the media room that Sunday afternoon as we waited for Callie to come home from picking up Ari.

Maddy was awake, but in her bassinet next to me at that moment. I had been talked into playing Sophia's interactive sports video game with her that afternoon. We were currently playing golf and my daughter was beating me. Not surprising though since she usually beats me at most of her video games we play.

"Mama, you are doing it all wrong because you need to keep your remote still when you swing. You don't know what you're doing and keep turning it and that's why your ball just went in the water, again."

Just like her Mom, Sophia was very matter of fact about some things. In other words, she could come across as terribly blunt without meaning to. As her Mama, I knew she was just commenting or making observations about facts as she saw them, but to others, she could potentially sound downright rude. 

It was something I had been working on with Calliope for all the years we'd been together and now with Sophia, too. Especially as Soph was getting older because I knew she was less likely to get away with being so matter of fact as she aged.

"Bug, I know I am turning the controller when I swing, but I'm old and still figuring it out. Thank you for your advice. However, you might have said that advice to me differently. How else could you have advised me, but in a nicer way?"

"Sorry Mama for being, "Captain Obvious," again, I didn't mean to."

I had to suppress my laughter at what my daughter had just said. I had nicknamed Callie and now Sophia as, "Captain Obvious," anytime their observations were overly blunt. It was funny that day the way Sophia acknowledged and recognized her own behavior, which was ultimately my goal, to get our daughter to tone down her delivery. 

Too bad my work hadn't been as effective with her Mom. For the most part Callie had dialed back her aggressive responses to folks, but sometimes she still couldn't help herself. Good thing my wife is unbelievably saves her with me when her mouth starts writing checks her butt can't cash.

"I know you didn't mean to Bug, and I just want to help you find different ways to say things to people other than how you might say it to your Mom or me."

My oldest and I spent the next few minutes brainstorming ideas and ways she could have approached correcting my skills deficit, so she would be better prepared for the next time. That's about the time we heard Callie open the house door from the garage and plunk her keys down on the adjacent hall table.

"I'm home!" Callie announced her presence as she walked into the media room.

"Mom!" Sophia dropped her controller and ran to give Callie a hug.

"Hey Soph, I've missed you!" Callie exuberantly scooped up our oldest, hugged her and started planting kisses all over her face.

As Callie was still holding Sophia, she walked over to me and gave me a deep kiss. 

"And hello, wife I've mine, I've missed all of you!" Callie leaned down and then also kissed Maddy who was busy wriggling her legs and looking around the room.

"Well, hello, Dr. Torres! You're in a good mood considering you've been driving the last 3 hours. Did everything go okay?"

"It did and Aria is settled back into her condo, well, as much as she can be given what has happened."

I gave Callie a perplexed look as I was trying to figure out what she was talking about, without making it obvious to Sophia.

"Oh, you don't know? I just assumed you did since you talk to Renee more than I do. I'll fill you in later, suffice to say, it is very quiet at Ari's house tonight and going forward."

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