Cabin Fever Part VI

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Callie's POV:

I had been startled awake that night in the tent by Arizona, saying she heard noises coming towards our tent. At first I didn't hear anything and then a second later, I heard a large rustling sound that wasn't far from us. I quickly slipped out of bed and grabbed the wooden baseball bat and large flood light I had next to our cot. 

Arizona had already started fastening her leg on and stood right behind me with the bat she had on her side of the cot. Before unzipping the tent, I heard a large grunting noise, whatever it might be, was just two pieces of tent fabric away from us and sounded hurt.

I looked at Arizona and whispered, "On the count of three I'll open the tent, are you ready?" She gave me her determined but slightly scared look, but nodded in affirmation.

I rhythmically, but quietly counted and opened the tent flaps in record time. Both of us screamed and charged in the direction of the noises. We saw something about 10 feet away, flapping around on the ground in front of a tree. Whatever it was, got caught in dense foliage and was struggling to get free. When we realized this and quickly confirmed with each other, I decided to shine the flood light directly on it.

As we walked closer, baseball bats at the ready, we were greeted by a scream and the words, "Don't hit me, it's just Ari."

"Can we still hit her?" Arizona had an annoyed look on her face, but also looked relieved to find out it was just my sister.

"It's very tempting right now and I see your point, Arizona." I hugged my wife before speaking rather sharply to my little sister.

"Aria! What in the hell are you doing here and at this hour? You aren't supposed to be here until tomorrow late afternoon! You do realize it's almost midnight!?"

I had invited my sister to join us about a few days before we left, but wasn't expecting her to arrive until tomorrow evening.

"Moms, what is going on?" Sophia was standing at the entrance to the tent, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, yawning and holding her teddy bear, Bainbridge, with one hand. It would have been a cute sight to see if she hadn't been woken up by her aunt the way she had.

Arizona took over and walked back to the tent to go tuck Sophia back in. I knew what she was doing and immediately told her, "Honey, I am going to take Ari inside and get her settled. Are you two going to be okay without me for a bit?"

"We'll be fine Callie, go do what you need to. We'll be here when you get back."

With that, I helped my disheveled sister, out of the thorny shrubs she had fallen in to that had ensnared her from moving. Ari was wearing a pair of nice suit pants, a blouse that was now ripped from the branches and a pair of 2 inch expensive heels. She had managed to snap her right heel off, and was walking through the yard with an uneven gate as a result. I'd say in total sum damages, she probably racked up at least $600 by the looks of it.

"Ari, what in the world are you doing here? You freaked all of us out, especially Arizona. You should know better than to bombard us like that at midnight, as we are camping in the backyard. You know Arizona has a fear of staying outdoors after her plane crash."

"Renee said the same thing to me, but what's the big deal? She needs to get over it once and for all."

I realized my sister had imbibed a few beverages and was slurring her words and rather tipsy or I know she wouldn't have just said that.

"Where is Renee? I thought she was going to travel with you?"

"She did. She's out in the car. She said I shouldn't disturb you guys if you were camping. Something about it freaking out Arizona and not being a good idea. She wanted us to stay at a hotel tonight, but I told her you'd be happy to see us tonight. Oh, yeah, she's out in the car, hiding."

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