Good News, Bad New Part II

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Callie's POV:

I had just finished a 10 hour day when I heard a knock on my open office door. As I looked up from answering emails, I saw the Ortho chief, Dr. Gavin, staring back at me. 

"Everything okay Chief? What can I help you with," I inquired, while still being a bit nervous my department chief was standing outside my office door. 

"Dr. Torres, I was wondering if you had a few moments to talk?" 

"Of course," I uttered. My heart had already dropped into my stomach and I started second guessing every clinical decision I had made since joining NY Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital. 

Dr. Gavin walked in and sat down in front of my desk. "Callie, I'm here to give you good news! The board met today and we unanimously decided to nominate you as our next tenure-track Ortho surgeon! Congratulations!"

I thought I was getting fired, so this news undoubtedly made me absolutely speechless.

"What do you think, Callie? Will you accept the position?"

I'm still not sure why I said this, but my first response back to him was, "How long do I have to decide?"

"We have other candidates, but we really want you! How about I give you 3 weeks to figure things out? I know being tenured adds responsibility, but it also adds to your salary and we think you are a perfect fit for our program."

"Thank you for the incredible offer and I will get back to you after mulling things over, I promise," I said.

"In that case, that's all I can say as I keep my fingers crossed you'll join our team! I look forward to hearing from you in a couple weeks. In the meantime, I will send you the contract and Letter of Intent,"  he said as he stood up and exited my office.

I should have been more excited about this offer, but I wasn't. I knew by accepting this position I'd be committed to a life in New York with Sophia and Penny. Why did that give me so much trepidation?  

As a logical scientist, moments like these still make me wonder about how strong our unconscious minds can be, even when we're on auto-pilot. It also makes me question whether there is truly any freewill in this world. Sometimes I just feel like we're sheep, being led by our shepherd of Determinism...

Penny and I had been having intimacy issues the last few months and it was starting to effect our relationship and the intimacy we used to have. I knew Penny probably felt the same way too,  as it seemed our schedules never linked anymore like they sort of did at the start of her residency in NYC. 

Part of me had started wondering if Penny was deliberately trying to avoid me in recent weeks, maybe it's just me over analyzing... I tend to do that quite well! But still, it's like Penny has gone out of her way to avoid me and deliberately not be around me lately. Something just hasn't felt right between us.

After closing out my charts, logging off my office computer and picking up my daughter, I headed home within 10 minutes of speaking with Dr. Gavin. It was an early day for me and I was thrilled to get Sophia's dinner, homework and bath done by 7 pm. My little girl fell asleep easily that Thursday night around 8 pm. After I tucked her in, I crawled into my vacant bed, Penny had texted she'd be at the hospital overnight to check her lab results.

Next thing I knew, my phone began ringing.... It was Arizona? She knows Sophia is usually asleep at this point in the evening.

"Is everything okay with you? I apologize, but Sophia is already asleep." I said as I respond to Arizona's call.

"Everything is perfectly fine, I just wanted to talk with, just you, about Sophia. Hope that's okay?"

"Of course, we are co-parenting and I appreciate you talking to me, what's up?"

"Callie, I wanted to tell you I've met someone that I've become serious with the last 2 months. I really want Sophia to meet her... we've become committed during our time together. It's so not like me to commit to anything or anyone, but Renee is amazing. I know Sophia will love spending time with her, but, I want to make sure you're okay with Sophia spending time with her too."

"If you think Renee is safe for Soph to get to know, then I trust your judgment, Arizona." 

"Thank you Callie for being understanding, I still want you to be a part of every decision making process regarding our daughter, that's why I called."

"Thanks for including me Arizona, I appreciate that more than you know. How long have you both been dating?"

"We've been together for almost 4 months. She's an amazing Optometrist that works at the Grey-Sloan Eye Center. I wouldn't introduce Soph to her if I didn't see a future with Renee myself. In fact, she's moved in with me."

"I see and that sounds like you are pretty serious about her. Thanks for telling me. Hope all is well with you on the Left Coast."  That was seriously the best line I could come up with at that point?! I was too flabbergasted by Arizona's news that she's met someone and moved on.

"Is everything okay on the Right Coast with you? You seem different than you normally are?"

"I'm fine, I just got offered a tenured position at the hospital I'm contemplating on tonight."

"That's AWESOME you got offered a tenured position!! Congratulations, Callie!!" Arizona enthusiastically said.

I lied and said, "I'm still trying to figure out the contract details, but you know how that goes!"

"Congratulations again, you deserve it with your unbelievably, skilled, surgical talents! Well, I should get going, I have an early morning and Renee almost has dinner ready. Great to talk with you, give our little girl a huge hug and kiss from her Mama!"

"Will do!" I said as I hung up the phone and started crying softly after I was disconnected. Great, Arizona has finally moved on and with someone that sounds too good to be true... yet here I sit, in New York, contemplating my current relationship and career... 

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