Cabin Fever

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Arizona's POV:

We spent the rest of the night, sitting on the balcony and talking until dessert. Callie rallied about 15 minutes after her argument with Ari, but remained pretty quiet the rest of the night. I could tell she felt bad about what she had said to Ari and was probably still processing everything on her own end, in her own head.

The rest of us spent some time that evening, trying to reassure Callie about our own journeys with our sexual identities. I so appreciated Ari that night for so many reasons, and not just for the amazing caramel-espresso flan she made us for dessert.

"Callie, when did you realize that you liked women? It struck me today that I've never asked about how you figured it out." Ari was sweet how she asked the question, but you could tell she was genuinely curious.

I couldn't help myself at that point, and made an annoyed look. Even though I never met Erica Hahn, a cardiologist that used to be at Grey Sloan, I have never heard anything good about her from the staff over the years. It always boggled my mind how Callie even ended up with her in the first place, despite their limited run. Although, I must admit if she hadn't broke Callie's heart, we might never have gotten together.

"Well Ari, an attending cardio surgeon named Erica, started flirting with me at work and eventually one thing led to another. We dated for a small amount of time, but in the end, we broke up rather abruptly due to a few things, which broke my heart."

"However, if we hadn't parted ways, I wouldn't have spent the next two weeks moping around at the hospital and at Joe's Bar after work. Which somehow, apparently caught the attention of an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, Peds surgical fellow that kissed me in the bathroom bar, one magical night."

There was a chorus of, "ahhhs," from Ari and Renee, after Callie finished speaking.

"Seriously? The bathroom you two?" Ari just shook her head after speaking, as Callie and I laughed and smiled about our first encounter and kiss.

"I saw Callie around the hospital when I first started my fellowship and started asking around about her thinking she probably wasn't gay. Much to my surprise, I found out she had just gone through a bad break-up with Erica, so when I saw the opportunity to hit on her, I didn't hesitate. I was mesmerized and stunned by her beauty from the moment I first laid eyes on Calliope."

Callie beamed from ear to ear after I said that. "Even after all these years, she's still the breathtaking, beautiful, woman I first remember seeing, 13 years ago in a hallway at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital."

"Do you still feel that way about me Arizona? Even when I make a huge fool of myself like I did tonight?"

"Yes, Callie. Even when you make a huge fool of yourself like you did tonight." I felt my gigantic smile overtake my face, as I looked at my wife after I said that.

We both leaned in and deeply kissed one another right after I finished speaking.

"Ewwww. My niece is right. You two really are disgusting!" Callie pretended to take a jab at Ari, after her sister's comment, as Ari and Renee laughed at Ari's joke. 

However, we both just smiled a gigantic, sappy, smile at each other and held hands for a few minutes after what I said to Callie.

"Renee and Callie already know my history, so I'll keep this brief, Ari. I have known since I was in the 7th grade, but I knew I was different long before that. I started dating women when I was 16. I think my parents always sort of knew, so they never really had a problem with it. Let's face it, I was lucky unlike a lot of kids in that regard."

Renee was the next one of us to chime-in about her experience growing up with her knowledge about her own sexual identity.

"My experience with knowing about myself, is very similar to Arizona's, but my Mom was never good with it, so I didn't come out until I was 29 years old. Even despite the fact I have a gay brother, that came out to my parents, 10 years before me."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя