Passions And Infatuations

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Arizona's POV:

"Arizona...? Arizona?! Dr. Robbins?!"

I was busy staring at paperwork while standing at the surgical desk and musing about how often my signature is required on forms when Teddy forced me back to reality.

"Yeeesss, Dr. Altman? I looked up from my department's binder I was busy rummaging through to make sure everything was complete and correct to that point.

"I'm between procedures and thought I'd see how you are fairing today, Dr. Robbins. How's everything on the home-front going? 

Teddy had already looked around the area we were standing in, but I did the same to make sure we were out of earshot from anyone who might have wanted to listen.

"We're good and we had an opportunity to talk last night. Things are fine, but there's still some tension that needs to work it's self out. 

"Makes sense, Arizona. Then again, it's not easy for anyone to exchange words without having some kind of repercussions, emotional or otherwise, as fallout."

"Callie is taking this pretty hard and I can tell she feels deflated. I keep telling her it's okay, but can tell she's not feeling like herself. In time she will be, until then, she's busy playing the dutiful wife until she finds her groove again."

"At least you two are on the road to a mends, that's all I care about."

"You and me both, Teddy. I still can't believe that only last weekend we spent one of the most romantic weekends together we've ever had and then a few days later, we'd disagree so vehemently and about something we didn't need to argue about."

"It's weird how life can hand you a basket full of adorable, cute puppies one moment, then turn around and hand you a basket full of angry pit vipers the very next moment. I like the puppies, but I always seem to get the vipers, or at least it feels that way."

"I'm with you, Teddy. I seem to have gotten my fair share of pit vipers in my past and present."

"While it may feel that way, Arizona, you were given a huge basket of puppies when you got married, had Sophia and now Madelyn. I don't even think that after a year of being remarried that you or Callie remember what life was like without each other. If you need any reminders my dear, I'm always happy to recount your experiences post-divorce if you'd like me to..."

"No, Teddy, I'm good. I remember how many times I cried on your shoulder over those years and don't care to relive those dark days again. Believe me when I tell you that I remember all the heartache I went through."

"I know you do, Arizona, but it doesn't hurt to remind you of it when things get tough, because they will and always do in every relationship. I know that much after all my years of loving and losing. Even in the end, I'm still grateful for all the people I have loved and that have loved me in return. However, if I could just go back for one moment and spend time with her..."

Teddy started tearing up, but immediately tried to suppress her tears and emotions. I put my hand on Teddy's shoulder and reassuringly tried to pat her upper back because I knew she was referring to the love of her life, Allison, that died in the World Trade Center. 

I realized instantly that Teddy was trying to make me see what I already knew, that Callie was amazing no matter what happened (within reason) between us. Teddy was trying to remind me to fully appreciate Callie for everything she did and was, no matter what.

"As always, you're right about letting go of the small things that happen along the way. I think we've both been stressed out about accreditation and surviving on little to no sleep for too long. It's been a long couple of months and it was starting to feel like we had turned a corner until we argued about Renee's romantic dilemma."

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