Family is What We Make of It

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Arizona's POV:

After hanging up with Callie, I realized Renee and Sophia were in my daughter's room, working on their Lego project. I immediately stole the opportunity and found my parent's sitting within the enclosed sunroom that faced the back of the house.

"Hey you two, I just wanted to let you know that, Sophia and I just spoke with Callie and she's all alone this holiday week. As such, I invited her here to spend time with us. I thought Soph would love to have all of us together for a change and it looked like Callie needed a change of pace too. I know all our friends will be thrilled to see her and I just hope both of you are okay with her staying here?"

My Mom spoke first, "Of course, Arizona, if you think it's what she needs, then we are okay with it. We've always loved Callie and think she's a wonderful Mom to Sophia. What did Renee think when you told her?"

"Well, I haven't told her yet, but I don't think she's going to have a problem with Callie being here, that's just not in Renee's nature. I was going to ask if you'd watch Sophia while I go talk to Renee?"

"Not a problem Arizona, just tell Sophia to come out to the sunroom with 3 of her favorite books, I'll take care of the rest." 

My Dad cleared his throat as he said, "You mean, WE, will take care of the rest!"

"Sure Daniel, WE..." My Mom rolled her eyes, as she looked at my Dad. 

"Send Sophia to us when you two start to talk. We'll make sure she's occupied."

"Thanks mom," I said, as I headed back to find Sophia and Renee.

I'll never forget standing to the side of the doorway and watching them both Lego together. Renee was so patient with Soph. They both seemed to work well together, it was something I realized I'd never get sick of watching. It's also an incredible feeling as a mother to realize how well cared for your child is with your, "other half."

"Hey Sophia," I announced as I walked into her bedroom. "Your grandma and grandpa wanted to know if you'd find your 3 favorite books to read and meet them in the sunroom? Sound good?"

"YES!" My not so quiet child screamed, as she scooped up what appeared to be more like 10 books and ran to the back of the house.

"So, what do you want to talk about?," asked Renee. "You must have something to say in order to create a diversion for Soph, like that."

"I wanted you to know what I saw when Sophia video chatted with Callie this morning. Callie was a complete wreck and is suddenly alone this week. So, I invited Callie to stay with all of us over the holiday. I figured Sophia would love to have her here and it would do Callie some good to see her friends in Seattle. Please don't be mad at me, I should have asked you, but just assumed you would be okay with everything. Sorry, I should have talked to you first, but it was a knee-jerk reaction to invite her."

As I was waiting for Renee to get upset or to say something, all she did was wrap her arms around my waist, pull me into her body and hug me tightly before kissing down one side of my neck. 

"So you're not mad?" I asked.

"No, why would I be? I think it will be great for Soph to have you both together for the holiday and I love your big heart. It's very sweet you invited her to stay with us. It shows how selfless you are, despite your history with Callie and how she ended your relationship." 

"Oh thank goodness you're not mad at me... If I haven't said this enough already, I love you more than you'll ever know!"

"I do like you telling me how much you love me, however, I like it better when you can't keep your hands off of me!" Renee flashed her prominent right dimple and winked at me with her left eye.

"When does Callie arrive?"

"Tonight, sometime after 5 pm. She's going to keep me posted as she lands and gets close to the house. The best part is, we're going to have Sophia answer the door and I was hoping you could video Sophia's reaction?"

"For sure, I can't wait to see what Little Miss does when she sees her other Mom!" 

"Have I told you today how much I love you?" I asked Renee. "If not," I said as I led Renee into our bedroom and locked the door, "I'd like to show you before we get into the shower and get ready to go to the, "Big Needle!"

"Big Needle? What's that....?"

"You're about to find out Dr. Schafer, oh, you're about to find out..."

I had already pushed the eye doc, back first, onto our bed and wasn't wasting any time having my way with her after that... 

By the time Renee caught her breath and stopped her quiet moaning, we both took a quick shower and got dressed. We gathered up my family and headed downtown for the morning and afternoon. Sophia was practically squealing with excitement as we rolled down the hill to the Seattle Center. Little did she know Callie was on her way to Seattle... I kept a close watch on my phone and the time throughout the day to make sure we were home and on time to meet Callie.

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