There's No Place Like Home...

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Arizona's POV:

Callie was outside on the porch, talking to Ari about something that, 'couldn't wait,' when I decided to get up and make some herbal tea. I ended up sitting at the kitchen table, drinking my tea and looking through the parts of the newspaper I hadn't read that day. Just as I was closing the Arts and Entertainment section, I heard our front door slam and Callie walk towards our bedroom, crying. The next thing I knew, she had gone into our room and slammed the door shut.

Right after the rather loud door slam, I decided to get up and head to our bedroom to see what in the world was going on. Only 10 minutes ago, Callie and I were talking and laughing in bed together. Now, from the sounds of it, something was seriously wrong. What could have transpired in the short amount of time Callie was outside with her sister? It definitely was a mystery to me.

When I opened our door, I discovered Callie. She was standing in front of her suitcase on our bed, still crying. She was madly throwing clothes in to it, while she was wiping tears off her cheeks.

"Callie, what's going on? Why are you crying and packing clothes? What happened with Ari?" As I was talking to Callie, she kept folding clothes and rearranging the contents of her suitcase, but refused to look at me. Her face was flushed and I knew she was an equal mix of angry, hurt and upset, which meant something was really wrong.

"Like you don't already know, Arizona. Don't play stupid with me, it's beneath you and I know you are aware of what you did."

"Actually Callie, I am not sure what you are talking about. Will you please just sit down and talk with me? You seem upset with me and I have no clue why you are." At this point, I was starting to get concerned about what was going on. I hadn't seen Calliope this mad at me since, well, since our last marriage.

"I don't see the need to fill you in on your own escapades while I was gone, or even dignify what you've done by discussing it." Callie had finally locked her gaze with mine, only, I could actually see fire burning in her eyes as she spoke to me. If looks could kill, she had one on that would have annihilated me in microseconds that night.

"Calliope Torres, what in the hell is actually going on?! 15 minutes ago we were in bed, enjoying our time together and after seeing Ari, you are now apparently upset and packing. I need you to talk to me, I'm your wife, remember?"

Callie had paused her packing to "talk," more like yelling at that moment. 

"I trusted you and believed you when you said you wouldn't cheat again. Did you and Charley  have a good laugh at my expense this whole week? I'm guessing you two couldn't wait for me to leave on Monday so you could screw each other!"

"Excuse me, what are you even talking about, Callie?! Are you suggesting I had sex with Charley?! What in the hell would make you think something like that could even be true?"

I started piecing everything together in my head at that point and realized what had just happened. Ari. For whatever asinine reason, Callie's sister must have said something, but why would she say that about me? 

"Ari said she saw you and Charley out together at a dinner event and that you drove Charley back to our house in HER car at the end of the night. What else would you be doing late at night with Charley in our house, crocheting an afghan?! Give me a break, Arizona. I'm not stupid either and know the two of you came back here to fuck."

We were individually pacing back and forth in our bedroom, as both of us were getting worked up, while I tried to set the record straight as Callie berated me about having sex with someone I didn't have sex with. Callie had already hit the stage with her anger where she was wildly gesturing with her arms from the rage she was feeling. If she had been a pressure cooker, by this point in the argument, the release valve on her head would have already been venting steam heat she was so mad.

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