Life, Love, and The Pursuit of Happiness Part II

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Callie's POV:

"What time do you need to leave to go get Aria, Callie?"

We had just gotten back to the house from our date and overnight at the old condo. No sooner had I closed the front door to the house when Arizona asked me her question.

"Ari can leave anytime, so the sooner I leave, the better. I'm sure she is more than ready to go, so I'm going to go quickly change and hit the road."

"Moms! You're home!" Soph came running from the media room and had already thrown her arms around my waist and was snuggling into me for a tight hug before doing the same to Arizona.

"Hello ladies, how was your date and overnight in the old place?" Teddy had just walked into the front room and was holding Madelyn who was very awake and looking around at all of us. Her adorable blue eyes were sparkling and dancing with joy as she analyzed Arizona and I.

Facially I could tell she was trying to express herself, but wasn't quite to that developmental milestone just yet. So, instead she was wide-eyed and trying to stick her tongue out periodically as she attempted to smile.

Maddy was a few days away from turning 3 months old and it was amazing in that short amount of time how much she had grown and changed. We could tell that she was close to smiling and laughing and couldn't wait to hear her giggle for the first time.

"It was a fantastic night and morning, Teddy. After all the chaos this last week, we needed the distraction." Arizona was smiling as she reached over to take Maddy from Teddy and started kissing Maddy's face, repeatedly. 

"Well, you two 'look' like you had fun by the dopey grins on your faces. You ladies are so obvious sometimes, but good for you. I know you both needed that time together."

"How did everything go while we were gone?" I had my hands on Sophia's shoulders and squeezed them as I spoke.

"I was well behaved moms and made sure I did everything Renee or Teddy asked me to do."

"The kid is not lying, Sophia was perfectly behaved and helped us tremendously with finding things and with advice about how to take care of her little sister." Teddy patted Soph on the back as they smiled at each other.

"That's good to hear that you were so helpful, daughter of mine." Arizona bent down and kissed the top of Sophia's head.

"Well girls, as much as I love and enjoy spending time with you ladies, it's time for me to shove off. I have some things to do back at my own house before we return to work on Monday."

Everyone in the room, minus Maddy, groaned at the mere thought of returning to our lives, school and work, the following day. If Maddy could have groaned, I think she would have about going back to daycare on Monday too.

"I need to get going myself, Teddy, but thank you for everything you did this weekend and continue to do for our family." I leaned in and gave Teddy a huge hug.

"Where are you off to this late morning on a Sunday, Dr. Torres?"

"Aria called this morning. They are letting her out a week earlier than expected, so I'm going to drive to Olympia to pick her up. Seems she talked with Renee last night and now wants to talk with me."

"Renee said she was going to call her last night after we talked, hopefully everything went okay between the two of them. Renee left early this morning before I could ask her anything."

"Well, I'm about to find out soon enough, but I'm with you, Teddy. Hopefully everything went okay between them."

"Mom, are you going to pick-up Aunt Ari? Can I go with you? I promise I will be good and won't ask you to change the music too much."

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