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Arizona's POV:

Renee offered to drive back from the airport, I knew she could tell how emotional I had gotten when I was saying goodbye to Sophia and my parents. I was really hoping she couldn't tell how saying goodbye to Callie effected me.

It had been incredible how much I enjoyed spending the week with my family, but I was still confused about the emotions I was having for Callie. 

The drive home was quiet, as the mood in the car was rather somber. We were both worn out from entertaining and getting less sleep than we usually get, but emotionally, I was a wreck. I was trying to hold back my tears until I got home, but, in my usual style, I was only able to contain my waterworks for about 10 minutes. At that point, I began sobbing loudly and uncontrollably. 

"Hey you," Renee had started to soothingly rub my left thigh. "I know you miss your family, go ahead and just let it all out. I think you deserve a good cry. When we get home, I will run a bath for us or just you. After that, we'll just take the day as it comes. Sound okay?" Renee asked, with a concerned look in her eyes.

I was trying to catch my breath, so I was only able to nod or stammer to her question.

"I wanna, want, you, in the, bath." It took a great deal of effort for me to get that collection of words uttered between crying and gasping for more air.

"Okay Sweetie, I'll take care of everything when we get home, here soon. In the meantime, remember I love you and I'm right here for you, always, okay?" 

I nodded, as Renee wiped away the tears under my eyes, with her right thumb, as we were waiting in gridlock, on the I-5 freeway getting back to the house.

As promised, Renee ran a bubble bath for us when we got home and helped me get in the tub, just to be safe. I'm fine navigating my way without my prosthetic and the adaptive devices installed in the bathroom. However, I was also fine with Renee lending me a hand that morning, given how emotionally raw I was feeling.

Just then, Renee bent down and kissed my forehead. "Before I get in, do you want something to drink? A mimosa maybe? We still have that whole case of champagne we picked up for Thanksgiving week..."

I nodded as she looked at me inquisitively, "Oh, ummm, how about grapefruit juice?" I knew what she was wondering and verbally responded, Yes, back to Renee's questioning look. She smiled, nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

As I attempted to get used to the water temperature, I realized what a soothing and relaxing effect the bath was having on me.  Renee always knows how to calm me down when I get upset or emotional.

I simultaneously realized, in that singular moment of clarity, I needed to check in on Renee. It's had been well over a week since we had talked, thanks to the holiday week.

It was also in that soaking moment, I started feeling guilty, as I thought about how I'd let myself have feelings for Callie this last week. . .

Renee, however, jolted me back from my self-berating thoughts, as she set down our glasses, turned on music and started lighting candles. She then stripped off her clothes in record time, as she crawled behind me in the tub. 

I instantly put my head on her chest, as she tightly wrapped her arms around my torso. We just quietly sat like that for the next 10 minutes. I was starting to feel like I could drift off to sleep when Renee spoke.

"What do you want to do after this? Take a nap, watch TV, provide your girlfriend with generous amounts of sex?!" Renee was smirking as she flashed her dimples at me.

"Oh, you think you're going to get lucky today, do you?" I had to giggle at her.

"Maybe?" Renee was still displaying her smirk.

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaWhere stories live. Discover now