Auld Lang Syne Part II

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Callie's POV:

It was a whirlwind week in NYC when I cleaned out my hospital office, sold my car and packed-up and sold my apartment. Thankfully, Penny never knew I was there and as a result, I didn't need to deal with her. When I stepped on the plane back to Seattle, it finally felt like I had closed a chapter in my life that was long overdue to be closed.

Dr. Webber gave me a week to get acclimated and set up my personal office staff, before officially starting my Chief of Ortho position at Grey Sloan. Even though I was beyond acclimated with the hospital, a lot of the staff had changed since I left, so I appreciated the lead-in time.

As I was unknown to some staff members, I heard some interesting gossip the first few days back...

One story was about Alex and an Intern. Seriously not shocking, but fascinating nonetheless. They got caught in a supply room having sex during their shifts. Not surprising given how Karev is, but it still qualified as cheap entertainment.

The next story I heard that day, involved a nurse and a fellow from Derm. So far, it was usual hospital scuttle about who was sleeping with who.

The gossip story that floored me, was about the lesbian 'Throuple,' 4 days later, as I was reviewing a chart in the ER before a consultation. While I was looking over the medical record I was paged for, I overheard two residents discussing Dr. Robbins and her 'new' roommate situation.

"I heard the 3 of them sleep together every night. I can't even imagine sleeping with my current partner and my ex-wife."

"I heard they host sex parties with other lesbians." Another resident had chimed in and added another false story to the collection of rumors and gossip.

From my position at the front desk I spoke up and said, "I heard they are looking for a 4th person to add to their group."

A look of terror spread across the faces of both residents after I finished speaking. 

"Which one of you called for the Ortho consult by the way?" I asked, while trying not to smack both residents for the way they were spreading tall tales about myself and my "roommates."

"I did." It was the resident that commented about Arizona, Renee and myself sleeping together every night. "I see you have the chart already. Are you new here? I don't think we've met? I'm Andrew, I'm a 3rd year Ortho resident."

I extended my right hand as I said, "I'm actually not new here, per say, but I am starting a new position. I'm Dr. Callie Torres." I had started glaring at Andrew, as I pretended to enjoy making his acquaintance.

"Dr. Callie Torres, as in, the new Chief of Ortho?!" I reveled in watching all the color drain out of Andrew's face at the moment when he realized exactly who I was.

"Yep, that would be me. I am your new boss, Andrew."

"Look Dr. Torres, about what I said, I am sorr..."

"Let me just stop you there, Dr.?..."

Andrew responded, "Dr. Corey."

"Dr. Corey, do me a favor going forward and start acting like the medical professional your patients, the hospital and I require of you. In the first 2 minutes of meeting me, you've demonstrated quite the opposite and I have serious doubts about your future here going forward. Stop spreading lies and rumors, it makes you look like a complete jackass."

"And for the record, not that it's any of your business, but I currently live with my ex-wife, her girlfriend and my daughter. My ex was nice enough to let me stay with her while I find a place to live, as I am relocating back to Seattle. I sleep in a separate bedroom and the only thing we all share, is the dinner table during meals. So do yourself a favor and stop spreading hearsay and gossip about myself or the two women that were kind enough to take me in. Got it?!"

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