Some Things Happen for a Reason

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Arizona POV:

I just finished a 9 month year old hernia repair and it's now 1:30 pm. I'm beyond starving as I didn't eat much other than a protein bar at 4 am this morning before an emergency surgery on a little boy that needed a STAT appendectomy.

As I stumbled into the cafeteria due to low blood sugar and a lack of sleep, I almost took out Teddy Altman, approaching the food line-up of the usual, boring, mass-produced, food things.  If you have ever worked in hospital, you'll completely understand what I'm saying about their food offerings at the cafeterias.

"OMG, Arizona! Are you okay? You seem like you're drunk, but I suspect you're on an insane day surgically?  Or is there something else I need to know?" Teddy laughed as she quipped at me, but then gave me a concerned, inquisitive look.

"Sorry Teddy, and yes. I haven't slept much in the last few weeks and had an early day with 2 procedures so far."

"I also had a later night video call from Sophia after she threw up early this morning in New York.  I hate not being with Soph when she's upset, it kills me when I can't be with her to soothe her and just hold her close to me.  Makes me feel like less of a parent on so many levels."

"Arizona, stop berating yourself, I've seen you in action with your daughter and she loves you more than life itself! Just because you cannot be with Sophia 24/7 sometimes, does not make you less of a parent. Don't ever forget that."

"I guess, but it still rips my heart apart in more directions than I want to talk about," I said, as a single tear escaped from my right eye.

"I wish I could sit and eat with you today, but I have a CABG to perform with a 4th year Cardio resident in 30 minutes and need to get prepped. Are you going to be okay, or should I find another attending to perform the procedure? I'm so sorry for how you must be feeling, my friend."

"You're good, and I appreciate the offer. I'll probably just grab something quick and head back to my office to do charting and admin stuff, no worries. Thank you for being the amazing friend you always are and offering your support, I truly appreciate it."

"If you change your mind, you have a 15 minute window before I start scrubbing in. Let me know."

"Thanks Teddy, but I'm good."

"Sure you are, I don't think you are, but nonetheless... Call me later or text me. I want to know how you are doing, okay?  I mean it Arizona, do you hear me?"

"I do Teddy, it just might not be tonight, but for sure this week we'll get caught up, I promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that promise, Dr. Robbins."

"I'm sure you will, you always do," I heard myself utter and smirk, as I replied to Teddy.

After that, I started to peruse the usual cafeteria line... hot stuff, salad bar, sandwich options and whatever leftovers they decided to present that day as, "new food." 

"New Food," as I've defined it, after working in the hospital for the last 8 years, usually consists of soups or some sort of weird pasta amalgamations.  In the end, I decided to take my chances on the 'custom' sandwich line.

As I made my way into the sandwich line, I stupidly lost my balance (due to my low blood sugar, an early morning and my left prosthetic that had made my stump of a left leg unbelievably sore after back-to-back morning operations) and managed to fall face forward into another doc standing inches in front of me.  I'm not even sure how this doctor had the quick reflexes to catch and re-right me on a dime, but she did.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I hope I didn't hurt you when I caught you and pushed you back to being upright!?"

All I could do was laugh, smile and say, "No, I'm fine."

"Thanks for keeping me upright, it's been a long day." I was trying to gloss over the embarrassing situation I just put myself in with this complete stranger by trying to shake it off.

The other doc was about an inch taller than me, about the same age and also had blond hair with dark highlights. The first thing I noticed about her was her piercing, striking, light steel grey, blue eyes. They almost seemed to look right through me in the most caring and understanding of ways.

"Hi, I'm Renee, sorry to hear about your day by the way.  I know how those days go from my own clinical standpoint."

"I'm Arizona and thanks for saving me from the embarrassment of falling face first in the cafeteria." I was finally admitting to my stupidity while thanking her wholeheartedly for preventing me from taking a nose-dive in the lunch line.

"Anytime, we both work at the same hospital and all of us should always look out for one another. Even though let's face it, that level of camaraderie doesn't always happen in the hospital."

"I totally agree."  And then I thought about what a lame answer that was after my humiliation of getting up-righted with my prosthetic by this stranger.

In my normal mode of being awkward, I started to babble, on an unbelievable level.... so me.... In that vein, I asked if she had anyone to sit with for lunch.

"I can't today, but I'd love to another day, sorry, I'm running behind today with patients and charting.  However, tomorrow is my admin day and I'd like to meet people outside of my own specialty, if you are free for lunch then? My office extension is 76-0308."

She must have realized how tired I was and gave me her business card with her hospital information so I wouldn't forget what she had said. I also realized she must have felt guilty saying no to me and tried to reassure me.

"Are you free for lunch tomorrow? Sorry if that seems forward, but I have a good feeling about us getting along.  No worries if you're busy, just thought I'd throw it out there in case you are free..."

I was a little taken aback, as it's been awhile since someone had any kind of interest in spending time with me. Still, part of me was very curious what interest this cute blond had in me...?

Before I could say anything else, I heard myself say, "I'm free tomorrow. What time did you have in mind?"

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