All You Need is Love

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Arizona's POV:

Another work week had almost gone by, and thankfully the rumor mill had slowed down, somewhat. 

It was Friday morning, and I was just scrubbing out of an inguinal hernia repair on a 2 month old, that had a strangulated bowel. The procedure went flawlessly, so I was thrilled for a change to give good news to her parents. 

In Pediatric surgery, we either get amazing outcomes, or the antithesis. So, it's always nice to have the adrenaline surge from a good outcome, for a change.

I had, thankfully, taken the rest of the afternoon off, in order to prepare my speech that night, for the annual Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital Gala.

All of the chiefs are required to attend and speak on behalf of their departments. Basically, it was a night of glad-handing and sucking up, in order to raise capitol for the hospital. As a surgeon, it's the last thing you want to do, regardless of your department's funding needs.

I finished my 5 minute speech in record time and headed home. I picked up Sophia from daycare, and dropped her off at Meredith's house. Dr. Grey and us, had hired a babysitter that evening to look after our kids. Given Meredith has 3 kids, it just seemed easier to have Sophia be with them and stay the night, once Meredith got home. 

Once I got home, I took a shower and laid out my clothes on the bed. I was wrapped-up in a bath sheet when I heard Renee and Callie walk through the front door. I almost forgot, as it was rare, that they had commuted together that day. For once, they had similar work schedules thanks to the Gala that evening.

Renee walked into the bedroom, closed the door, faced me and immediately wrapped her arms around my waist, while pulling me into the front of her body.

"How am I suppose to resist a partially, naked, girlfriend?!" Renee had started kissing my cheek, after she spoke.

I had wrapped my arms around Renee's neck when I replied back, "Nobody said you had to resist, unless you make us late."

We kissed for a few minutes and then Renee realized she was running short on time to get ready for the Gala, and hopped into the shower.

As I was doing my make-up, I kept hearing Renee's cell phone vibrate on her bedside table.

Within 10 minutes, Renee was out of the shower and getting ready. I had already completed my hair and make-up, before I got dressed. I had decided to wear a blue dress that evening, that was swept off my left shoulder.

"Sweetie, can you help zip me up?" I asked Renee to assist me with my dress. 

"Only if I can unzip it later?" Renee immediately smiled from ear to ear, as she flirted with me.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Dr. Schafer. Thanks for being my date this evening, these events can be so boring, it's nice to have you keep me company."

By the way, Renee, your cell phone keeps going off." I had just finished zipping up the back of my girlfriends dress, as I spoke.

"Great, I should see who wants me now."

"Arizona, you look absolutely stunning in that dress. I still marvel at what a gorgeous girlfriend I have."

"Renee, I feel the same way about you, and you look incredibly, sexy in your black dress." Renee just kept smiling at me, as she checked her phone messages.

I could tell by the change of the look on her face, that something was wrong as she continued to listen to her voicemail.

"Renee, what is it? What's going on?" Renee had just hung up her phone and now had a stunned look on her face.

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