What To Expect When You're Expecting

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Arizona's POV:

Things had been going well for me and my girls the last few weeks since Aria had been discharged from the hospital. She was finally home and doing well with her recovery process. She had a Physical Therapist and a team of other specialists that were assisting her with aftercare at her condo.

It also seemed that Ari was quite content having Renee living with her again by the way Ari was acting and flirting when Renee was around. While Renee assured me they weren't dating or sleeping together, Ari acted like they were more than just friends. Renee seemed fine with the arrangement so, I kept my mouth shut, except to talk with Callie about it. 

(Who am I to judge though if someone wants to get back together with their ex, despite whatever had happened between them in their pasts.)

Thankfully Ari's friend within the Seattle DA's office, was able to finagle her a plea deal. Ari would need to enroll in a Rehabilitation Diversion program through the state, pay some hefty fines and pay for the municipal damages the car accident caused. She would have her driver's license suspended for 6 months as well, but she was at least spared jail time and the court costs by having a connection to settle her case before it came to adjudication.

February was cold that year, but not cold enough to snow. Instead, Seattle experienced lots of wet, rainy and windy conditions. Normally we expect that type of weather this time of year, but it's usually in the upper 40's and not the upper 30's, like it had been. 

Needless to say, any time we needed to venture outside that month, it was less than a picnic. After getting pelted by large raindrops, the icy wind would rip through every piece of clothing you'd be wearing. It would even go further than that because to me, it truly was bone-chilling to spend more than 2 minutes outside. Which, is exactly how long it takes to get to our mailbox and back inside our house I learned that month.

My schedule was starting to wind down at work with my due date rapidly approaching. I had already stopped performing surgeries with a couple exceptions. I had still been performing minor procedures the last few weeks, but that and everything else was all ending today. It was now the end of the 3rd week of February and I only had three weeks to go.

Not shockingly, my last day working happened to be a Friday. Callie was not on any call lists that weekend, so we planned our free-time well in advance. We knew our moments as a family of 3 were coming to a close and soon our time would be more focused on the baby than Sophia. 

It's always a tough transition for every only child when their parent's attention shifts solely from them, to now sharing that attention with a new sibling. So, Callie and I had made sure to schedule a couple surprises for Soph that weekend. Nothing terribly fancy, but little things to make her feel special. 

Callie and I were done early that day, so we both picked-up Soph for a change from school that afternoon. 

"Moms! You're both here!" Sophia jumped in the car, slammed the rear SUV door shut and then buckled her seatbelt.

"Indeed we both are! Mama is now officially off work and I'm not going to work as much since your new brother or sister is almost here." Callie smiled at Sophia in the rear view mirror as she smiled back at Callie.

"Guess that means until the new baby arrives, you are going to be stuck with your Mom and I quite a bit." I turned around from the passenger's seat and joined in on the shared smiles, but I was also smiling about the girl's cute conversation.

Before we pulled back into traffic, we discussed our family plans for dinner. Turned out Sophia wanted Hawaiian food from a restaurant not far from T-Mobile park. While it's nothing fancy, it's the place we've taken her before or after we've gone to Mariner's games in the past. Maybe she was feeling nostalgic or maybe she was just craving the Huli Huli chicken she always ordered. Either way, it sounded good to us even though it was a bit of a drive.

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