Blurred Lines Part II

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Callie's POV:

The first noise I heard that Saturday morning was my daughter, loudly kissing Arizona, on my right side, in the bed I was laying in. 

Next thing I knew, Soph was steam-rolling over me and kissing me at the same time. 

"Ooof!" Her 40-something pounds of body weight made me grunt, as she officially woke me up.

Next thing I heard, was Renee grunting as Sophia steam-rolled over her to hug and kiss her good morning, to my left side.

It hit me then what had happened last night/this morning... That Panic Attack was my first and it hit me hard. In those seconds waking up, I was starting to feel like an idiot. Especially when I realized, I was laying between my ex-wife and her girlfriend, in their bed. 

Oh, and the added bonus was, my daughter was rolling around on all 3 of us.... 

"I'm just going to crawl over you Renee, and get out of here," I said as nonchalantly as I could, in an effort to escape the middle of the bed and their bedroom.

"Seriously? That's your best defense?" Renee said, mockingly, but jokingly. "Callie, it's okay. We all have panic attacks in this room, too." Renee rolled over and started reassuringly, rubbing my back for a few moments.

It's really annoying how much I like Arizona's girlfriend I've realized. It's probably the main reason I didn't push further than I did with the kiss in the treehouse with Arizona during the week.

Sophia had already started trying to tickle Arizona. Those two always make me smile when I see them interact. Arizona has been in love with our daughter, before I met Sophia. I know if it wasn't for Arizona's quick reactions in the OR during Sophia's forced birth, we wouldn't even have a daughter.

I was brought back to reality when Renee said, "What should we do for breakfast and today, Ladies?"

"Arizona, should we Island Hop to Bainbridge today?!" That somehow came out of my mouth, after Renee asked her question. "We could go to Bainbridge? What do you think?"

"Sounds good to me," Renee answered, at the same time Arizona said, "Let's do it! We can get breakfast and check out the usual shops and sights."

It was settled, after Renee quickly checked the ferry schedule, we got moving, got Sophia dressed and everyone (including Arizona's parents) out the door in 45 minutes. As we pulled up to drive onto the ferry, Sophia's eyes got wide. "Are we going on that big boat, Mama?"

I think Sophia assumed, since Arizona was driving, that she was our, "Cruise Director," for the day.

"We are Bug, it's a ferry. We just need to wait our turn to drive the car onto the boat and park. Then we can go to the upper deck and look out over the Puget Sound and watch the water as we travel to the island."

Sophia's squeals, while high-pitched, we're adorable. She had, of course, started bouncing up and down in her seat, next to Barbara. "Too bad I can't harness some of her energy for myself!" Barbara was smiling at Sophia, as she spoke and kissed her granddaughter on her cheek.

It's actually a quick boat ride to Bainbridge, about 30 minutes. It feels like it takes longer to load and unload the ferry, then the actual cruise itself. 

It was a gorgeous day for Seattle at the end of November. For a change, we had temperatures in the mid-50's, no clouds and only a light breeze on the water. We had brought warm clothing however, just in case. You never know in the Pacific Northwest when you might need another layer of clothes. Especially, if you're on the upper deck of a ferry in the late Fall or Winter.

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