Mrs. and Mrs. Part IV

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Callie's POV:

"Arizona, how do you feel about having breakfast in bed this morning? We can order from the restaurant and have them bring up tray tables for us I read in the amenities section of the menu."

"Callie, I think that is a brilliant idea! I'll go grab the menu from the dining room and will be right back." She got up and put on her prosthetic, before walking out of the bedroom and towards the main room. She was completely naked and I couldn't help but give her a, wolf whistle, as her naked butt was the last thing I saw as she disappeared.

She was back in under 30 seconds and collapsed next to me in bed with the dining menu in hand. We propped up our bed pillows so we could sit upright, but still stay covered by the down duvet and sheets, while we looked at the menu.

"What should we get Callie? My go-to of having a Benedict, is out, since your family made it for us yesterday morning. I'm leaning towards the lobster omelette myself, how about you?"

"Well, at first glance, the brioche French toast sounds incredible and more like dessert. I think that's what I'm going to get now that I said it out loud."

"I wonder where our daughter gets her sweet tooth from?" Arizona was laughing, as I rolled over and started kissing and torturing her. We very easily could have escalated our playtime to something more sexual, but Arizona's stomach started growling, which caused us to laugh, so we decided to order and wait till after we ate for any other activities that might commence.

Room service was rather quick and we had our food and necessities to us in about 15 minutes. I put on a robe to answer the door and sign for the bill and tip. They had placed everything on a trolley, so I was able to wheel it back to our bedroom.

"Callie, that smells incredible! I think I'm more hungry than I thought!" We started setting up our tray tables and I poured the mimosas into our champagne flutes. I took off my robe and we both slipped back into bed and started eating.

The lobster omelette was amazing, although insanely rich. Then again, so was my French toast. We took turns taking bites of our own entrees and then sharing with each other. We had turned on the TV in the background, but we're barely paying attention to the quiet dialogue and were more focused on our food and one another.

As our breakfast came to a close, Arizona said, "I don't know about you, but I'm going to need to get some exercise today to burn some of the excess calories I have consumed over the last 3 days. Wanna join me for a walk after we have had time to digest?"

"That sounds perfect to me, sweetheart." I had returned our plates to the trolley and crawled back into bed. We snuggled in to one another and both of us deeply sighed.

"As much as I never want to leave this room, I think some fresh air will do us some good, Arizona. Now, how should we occupy our time before we leave? Sex, or, a mid-morning nap? I feel like I'm still getting caught up from the lack of sleep we endured during the week before the wedding."

"Callie, how about we do both?" Arizona gave me her seductive smile with a inquisitive, raised eyebrow. She didn't hesitate much after her question and began passionately kissing and caressing me, which I started doing to her, seconds after she did.

After making love, we both fell asleep for about an hour as I was being spooned by Arizona, while she slightly snored. She so rarely snored, so it's cute when she does. I also love being spooned by her and sleep so soundly when she does so. We slept that way for close to an hour before finally waking up.

We both got dressed, and spent the afternoon walking along the waterfront and occasionally stopping to window shop or quickly look through a few stores we had not been in to in some time. We only paused once, to sit on a bench and people watch while we took a break. I think we managed to walk 3 miles by the time we got back to the hotel room, late that afternoon.

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