Hurt Is Life's Way of Teaching Part II

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Callie's POV:

The sunlight had already started streaming in my bedroom windows, even though it was well before 6 am. It was a sure sign that Summer was upon us, as the average temperatures began increasing and the days became longer. 

On our longest day, June 21st, we get just over 17 hours of daylight in Seattle. It's a time of year I love, even if it's just for all the daylight. It amazes me how much more I tend to get done though because of it.

I was waking up in the guest bedroom that morning after having a disheartening conversation with Arizona the night before. I really hate it when I actually wake up and for a split-second, I forget that something has happened. That morning I awoke and felt happy until I remembered the previous night.

Then, it felt like someone had pulled blackout shades over the room and especially over my heart. In a flash, I suddenly remembered all the things that were said between Arizona and myself. I quickly went back to feeling like I had the night before. It felt like my heart had been broken and was badly taped together this morning.

I wasn't necessarily angry with Arizona, as I was profoundly disappointed and hurt. To me, those are two emotions that are much more difficult to overcome than anger. While I knew in time we would talk this through, I was also in no shape to talk, right then. I knew I was going to need some time to process what had happened before figuring out what we could do to fix it.

As such, I had been avoiding Arizona since she told me about Renee, the condo and the treehouse. I was mentally not prepared to even make small talk with my wife until I figured out what I wanted to say to her. Not to mention, I now needed to come up with something to say to my sister that morning about Renee staying with us and renting the old condo. 

To say the least, my head was a mess and I felt like I was swimming in a pit of sadness. It was not how I wanted to wake up, but here I was. 

I decided to get up 30 minutes early and started getting ready, as laying there thinking wasn't doing me any good. As I walked downstairs, I was greeted by the smells of coffee, bacon and pancakes wafting through the house and emanating from the kitchen. I could hear Maddy cooing away, as Arizona was playfully speaking to our youngest about anything and nothing, simultaneously.

"Who's her Mama's cute, little, girl? You are Maddy, yes, you are!" I could hear Arizona kissing Maddy before she went back to getting what sounded like silverware out of the cutlery drawer.

"Callie, sweetheart, there you are. I missed you last night, but understand you wanted some space. Do you want some breakfast, honey? I couldn't sleep so Maddy and I got up to make you food."

Arizona walked over towards me while she babbled, I could tell she wanted to hug or kiss me. I wasn't feeling like doing either with her just then, so I walked right past her to get some coffee.

"Do you just want coffee this morning, Callie? Because if you are hungry I made bacon, hashbrowns and the peanut butter pancakes you and Sophia love."

I was impressed, Arizona really had gone above and beyond with her breakfast efforts, but it still wasn't enough to erase what had happened or what I was feeling. Still, I had no intent of being mean to her, but I also wasn't going out of my way, either.

"Thanks, but I am going to have some coffee and go shower. Is Sophia still sleeping?"

"She is Callie, but I can go get her up. I'm ready for the day and only need to get dressed. Go take your time in the shower and I'll keep things warm if you get hungry."

Wow, was Arizona overly eager to please me that morning. I'm not complaining about it, but she seemed hyper-focused, even for a Type-A surgeon like herself. I couldn't help but wonder as I got into the shower, how early she must have gotten up that morning to accomplish what she already had?

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora